chapter 21

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Virgil pov
He stood and demanded that wormtail give him his wand. After he did, he turned to me and asked "what do you seek child? Do you join me or die?" "My Lord Voldemort, I have come in hopes that I can join you and your army so that I may escape this reality they call life and serve you with all that I can. I seek the knowledge to destroy my enemies and to show muggles what wizards can really do and what ever reasons you wish. My life has been nothing but hell, and I wish to change that by joining you. Will you accept me?" "You show more allegiance than the followers that I have known for a while, I accept you and you shall now join the death eaters. What's your name?" "Virgil, Virgil Sanders." "Well then Virgil, welcome to the death eater army of Lord Voldemort."

Harry pov
After my duel, I grabbed the goblet and teleported back to the stadium where the crowd awaits. My eyes wide from the shock of Virgil with Voldemort. The other 3 siblings and Dumbledore came down to me and all asked where Virgil was. "Voldemort's back and Virgil...joined him." Dumbledore's face was grim and the other siblings were shocked, angry, and scared. "This is bad, if Virgil joined Voldemort then Voldemort just gained a powerful wizard. Virgil was a great student and very powerful despite how shy he once was, 3rd year changed that and now he is confident and bitter. Now he's gone."

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