chapter 6

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Virgil pov
It was finally the end of dinner but me and my siblings had to part ways to our own common rooms sadly. I somehow found my way to the dungeons and i began my night of horrors.

Patton pov
I soon found my way to the Hufflepuff common room and i was not surprised at all. The room was happy all over wherever you looked. Happy quotes and friends everywhere. I wonder how the others are doing.

Logan pov
I got to the ravenclaw common room door and answered the question that the knocker asked. "Where do vanished objects go?" "Into nothing, which is to say everything." "Nicely phrased." The common room was everything i had hoped and more, Everything was organized and neat with beautiful colors decorating the walls. I hope the others are doing ok.

Roman pov
I went to the fat lady and gave her the passcode and she opened up to reveal a red and gold room with couches and a wonderful fire pit. The stairs up led to the bedroom with a bunch of 4 poster beds. I'll just hope that the others are enjoying themselves too.

Virgil pov
I was surrounded by all the Slytherins and i was terrified. The quidditch captain Marcus Flint came up to me and asked "why are you so God damned shy?! (I know weird question to ask. Just deal with it.) I started shaking and i nearly stuttered but i figured that they should probably know about it. I should also tell them to promise me to not tell anyone. "Ok. The reason I'm so shy and anxious all the time is because... because i get abused by my dad and not just physically, i got mentally, emotionality, and... S-sexually abused. (I'm sorry to all those Virgil fans and protectors out there but this is just adding to the plot and i swear things will get better for our smol anxious Bean) The Slytherins gasped and some of the girls were crying. It seemed as though nobody had experienced this. (Btw aside from Malfoy, Virgil will be the only other Slytherin first year) the Slytherins came closer to me and said that it will now be their personal mission to protect me from anything and everything. "What is this talk about a Slytherin being abused at home?"

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