chapter 19

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Lizzie pov
I went on checking Virgil's body for any more bruises and I pulled his sleeves back only to see his wrist full of scars. I gasped and he looked apologetic and guilty. Tears gathered in his eyes and I threw myself at him and hugged him tight. "Why...why would you do this Virgil?" " brothers don't care about me! You know the reason I came into this car instead of the one they're in? Because Roman said that I would be just fine on my own and that they wouldn't need to look after me during the school year. Last year they wouldn't talk to me AT ALL during the second semester! They don't care about me." I looked up after his rant and saw them looking at him with sad eyes. "Anyway, it doesn't matter. Behind my broken eyes is a world of lies. They just don't see it." He excused himself to the bathroom after that and I wanted to protest, knowing he probably has a blade with him but I kept quiet.

Virgil pov
I walked out after excusing myself and I went to the bathroom and cut. That conversation was so stressful that I couldn't take it. I limited myself to five cuts and I wrapped them up and went back to the car. (a/n btw the cars have tables in the middle of them kinda like restaurant booths.) I sat back down next to Lizzie and I gave her a guilty look, I trusted her enough to tell her when I do it so she pulled my sleeve back under the table and undid the bandages and saw them. She looked at them miserably but she wrapped them back up and sadly smiled as she turned back to the conversation.  I looked like I was listening to the convo but I was actually thinking about my sucky life.

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