What Can't I Do?

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                                                                             Chapter 1 

                                                                        You're Welcome

        "You have to tell me what you did! Everyone in the state of New York thinks that you killed the girl. But from this short time that I know you, I know that you are not the kind of person that would do this. You are not the kind of person to tell me a lie. So tell me did you kill her?"

        He looked down at the ground and right away I knew what was going to happen.

        "I killed her. She was blackmailing me. It was because she knew that¦.. I had been the person who killed, Marie Le'Long. She told me that if I did one small thing that she didn't want me to do, that I would regret it for the rest of my life. Do you know what that's like to have to turn around every single time that you hear a person behind you, you're afraid of being killed. So I did something that would make me feel better, I killer her. So that she couldn't kill me.

        "Thank you, that is all that I need for today. My team and I will be in touch with you." That was all I said before I walked out of the room and left Regina and Liam make him sign papers saying that if he ever talked about the conversation I just had with him, that he would be in line for jail. Even though he would be going to jail already with the evidence that I just got against him.

I went into my office and sat down behind my desk and lifted the lid of my computer. After two minutes of waiting Regina and Liam walked into my office. Liam handed me a small hard drive, and I put it in my computer. A minute later an image popped up on my screen. I double clicked on it, and then watched the scene that had just occurred in my life.

With a smile, I said, "Perfect, copy this put each drive in a bag, and keep the original. Mr.Gordon will be happy."

Liam nodded took the hard drive and left the room.

Regina then sat down in the chair in front of my desk.

"Did we get everything that you needed."


There was silence in the room for a bit and then Regina spoke.

"Spencer, why do you do what you do?"

"What do you mean?" I asked not even looking up at her.

"Why do you do this," she motioned to everything in the room, "for a living?"

I put down my pen that I was holding in my hand and took off my glasses.

"When I just got that man to say that he killed Mr.Gordon's daughter, I not only brought relief to his family but I brought justice. Lying is wrong and lying about killing someone, that's even worse. So to me I brought justice. And justice to me is the truth. And doing what I just did there was the right thing."

"I'm not sure if I want to do this for a living."

"Regina that is totally up to you. And I could give you a lecture on how you are young and you can do whatever you want because you are you and you live in the United States. But I won't, because it's late and you need to get home."

I ushered her out of my office and towards the door.

She was just about to leave when she said, "Thank you Spencer, for finding the man who killed my sister."

You're welcome, now give that hard drive to your dad. He'll be happy."

And with that she shut the door, and I left to go home an hour later.


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