We Have Nothing To Fear But Fear, and Journalists

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Chapter 14

We Have Nothing To Fear But Fear, and Journalists

"Ladies and gentlemen I would like to apologize for stating that John Leroy for years has been running a prostitution ring. You see here tonight are not only great people.But people that this campaign believes to be loyal to John Leroy. And this was the ultimate test the test seeing if you really were loyal. And because barley any of you walked out. This test is proven to be successful and we thank you for believing in John Leroy and his ability to lead the district!" She announced to everyone in the crowd. Everyone clapped showing that they truly believed her story. And I raised my glass to her with a knowing smile.


Prospective of a underground journalist that was at the event


"She's lying, what she said in the beginning must be true." I muttered to myself on the way home. "This is the perfect story about how the possible State Rep. is a pimp! It's the perfect story and now they're trying to take it away from me. They won't!" I told myself. Getting strange looks from other pedestrians. "Like they don't talk to themselves either." I muttered aloud.

I arrived at my small shack for an apartment where rust filled the piped and a bathtub that I hadn't used in aged was in the middle of the kitchen, which is a very large room for a toaster. and them my bedroom. If it hadn't been for what had happened in the past by now I would be a professor at Harvard and have an apartment that had two rooms, and wasn't a step down from a studio. If only I hadn't made the one mistake. But It's not good to dwell on the past. At lest that's what my Therapist tell me. Like Buddha once said "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." But what's the use in that.

I stood in front of the mirror that was cracked in my bathroom and acted out a scene I had done a millions times before. The scene when my news paper becomes famous and I'm asked to go on the tonight show for an interview with Jimmy Fallon.

"Now Tom you have been writing this newspaper for years and for about all of the years until now have been unsuccessful. What do you think made this issue really become popular?"

"Well Jimmy, you see I believe that this issue had something that other newspapers were told not to print. The truth about the candidate for State Representative John Leroy. People were told that the story was fake but I new that they were lying. I knew deep down that John Leroy was truly a pimp. And so because I printed the truth people read it and believed it."

That's exactly why people would read the news paper because it was the truth and I would become famous for it. I went over to my notebook laptop and logged on to my news site. Underground New York. My slogan for the website was 'no it's not the subway.' I have to say it was peer genius to think of that. I hit on new story and started typing.

August 8th, 2014 

Tonight I crashed a party that was supposed to be classy.  People were at the country club with smiling faces and for what? Giving away their money to John Leroy? The secretive candidate. Yes it's true John Leroy has a huge secret that later that night was told to be a test seeing if the rich people in this room really believed in John Leroy, but I know and might be the only one that this isn't true. After I snuck into the party through the kitchen, the governor's wife was on the podium say that quote,"Everyone has a secret some are big and some are small. But either way if they come out they can ruin you. The size no matter. And John Leroy has a secret that is huge. John Leroy for five years has been the head of a high class prostitution ring." Everyone at the party was shocked and then after a few minutes. Mrs.Anderson retracted her statement saying quote,"It was a test." Very believable-NOT. She disappeared for a few minutes and came back. Someone had obviously changed her mind on to not tell the well deserving people the truth. But who? That's a question I guarantee you that I will find out. Because unlike the campaign of John Leroy, I do believe that you have the right to know.

Thank you, Tom Pro

I uploaded it and shut the lid knowing that this was going to be my big story. The story that made everyone want to read my paper. Not the New York Times. But Underground New York.

"One last question Tom." Jimmy Fallon asked me after I arrived back in my bathroom and I looked into the mirror.

"Shoot away Jimmy."

"What was the real reason that you knew that the Leroy campaign was lying." T.V. Personality's are too good. They have people that find out the truth. They can see right through you. Could I really tell him. Of course if he asked me the question he already would now. And it has been years since it happened. I could come out about it, and it would be great for my paper and ruin her reputation. I went to jail because of her. I lost my job because of her. And what did she do she continued living the privileged life that she always lived. The life with her rich successful daddy, that saved her ass whenever she needed it. It was time that people found out she was a liar.

"Well I really knew that they were lying about John Leroy's true profession because, Whitney Grace was part of the campaign. You see when she was in college she and I had an affair and after we were caught I was sent to jail and she still lived the charm life she always had. She had to lie to get out of that situation. And I knew that if she was a part of a huge scandal like this. That she must have been the person covering it up. And it paid to know that."

"It certainly did." He answered me. "Ladies and gentlemen the writer and owner of the best newspaper ever Underground New York, Tom Pro.

That's how everything would end. With me having the last laugh.

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