Miss.Grace There Is A Break In At Your House

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    Chapter 2

Miss.Grace There Is A Break In At Your House

        That night after I got home I sat down on the couch after I grabbed a Coke from the fridge. I turned on the T.V and watched the eight'oclock news. The video that was on the hard drive was now out for the world to see.

        "And this case was solved by no other then Spencer Grace. The trial for Reeda Gordon's murder will be held tomorrow and there is no doubt that because of Spencer Grace, Adam Mclaire will be put in jail."

Smiling the news continued. When the phone rang.

"Spencer Grace, how can I help you?"

"Spence, it's Meghan."

"Meghan it's great to hear from you, how are-"

"No, I don't want any chit-chat, I'm calling to ask you if you wanted to go to The Lake?"

"The Lake as in the bar or as in a body of water?"

"The bar The Lake!"

"Megan I'm sorry but I can't make it tonight, I'm really tired and about to get in the shower." I said making no effort to get up.

"Oh,well. Have fun on the couch."

"Thank you." And after I hung up I realized only to late how she knew that I was on the couch.

"You really do need to become a better liar."

Terrified I turned around. It was Meghan.

"Don't you know I have an extra key? She said holding it in plain sight.

"Of course I know but, because I solve crimes it is a bit scary when I hear unwanted company in my house."

"You know I'm not even going to comment on how you just said that I was unwanted company. I came here because I was taking you to the bar."

"Meg I can't go-"

"No, you can," She pulled me off the couch and made me stand up. She grabbed my keys and purse and pulled me out of the door. "We are going to go to the bar because no one besides those people that you work with have seen you in ages. So I'm going to be the first person to see Spencer Grace in five months."

Her car was in the front way and the valet looked upset. But she didn't care, she threw me in the car, and drove off.

"You're forcing me against my will to do something that I dont want to do"

"So sue me!" She said keeping her eyes on the road.

"Why not?" I said concerened about her driving skills

        We pulled into the parking lot, and she pulled out a lipstick. She applied it in the rearview mirror. She jumped out of the car and walked to the door opening one of the double doors. We went through the next pairs of doors that were straight ahead and lead into the lounge.

        Right away the bartender yelled out to Meghan wondering if she wanted her usual. And before I knew what was happening Meghan had left my side and disappeared into the room. Awkwardly I went to the bar and sat down in a empty red bar stool.

"Can I get you anything?"The bartender asked me.

"One club soda please." I answered. The bartender gave me a weird look and then gave me the glass         with club soda.

I sat at the bar for awhile and watched the t.v. There was an advertisement for John Leroy who was running for State Representative.

"How many people are running for that position?" It was the man sitting next to me. He really wasn't man but about my age. He had dirty blonde hair, and eyes that were like a dirty pond.

"Five." I responded.

"Wow, that's a lot of people don't you think?"

"In politics it's all about who would make the best representer for there area, I believe you can never have to many candidates unless you're the one run running."

"You seem to know your stuff."

"I don't know stuff I know facts."

"I'm Jack Leia. Nice to meet you." He said holding his hand out for me to shake.

"Spencer Grace. Likewise."

"Wow, the Spencer Grace. As in the famous detective"

"Yes." I said keeping my eyes on the t.v..

"Can I buy you a drink, Mrs.Grace?"

"It's Miss. Grace. I'm not married"

"Well I'll change that." He murmered.

"You asked if you could buy me a drink and my answer is yes. But you should know that I do not date. I believe that men need women and women don't need men. I'd rather spend my time and money on my job and well-being then on a man, that wants to go....golfing."

"Ouch! That hurt. Tom, get this kind, smart lady another club soda."He said examining my glass.

"Oh, so Im smart and kind now."

"I forgot beautiful."

"Do I need to repeat myself on the women and men speech."

"No need." He said raising his hand. " I just say it because it's true."

Before I could say anything Megan came up to me.

"We need to go." She said obviously drunk.

“Bye.†I said to Jack.

"Miss. Grace it was nice to meet you." he said shaking my hand.

I then hauled Megan out of the bar. We got outside and into the parking lot and she pulled herself away from me.

"Who was that hunk?" She asked while wobbling.

"No one."

"Yes it was. Who was it?"

"No one. Now hand me the keys to the car."

"No." She said smiling and putting the kets out of my reach.

"Give me the keys!"

"Tell me-who that guy was-and I will give you the-keys."

"Jack Leia. Now the keys."


She handed me the keys, and she went to the car and opened the door, coming close to hitting her face with the car. After a few minutes of silence she spoke.

"Jack Le-ia. That's a funny name. Ja-ck like Jack Danlies."

"Did you have that tonight?" I asked.

"How did you know?" She said with a drunk laugh. "Le-ia. That sounds like a girls name. That's so funny!"



Authors Note:

Hi everyone my name is Lexie and i'm new to wattpad but not to writing. I would love to hear your feed back in the comments, and I will keep writing if I get enough votes or if I really like the story. I hope you like it 

With care, Lexie

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