The Governor's Wife Knows and My Date's Mom is my Mother's Son

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Chapter 9

The Governor's Wife Knows

"Well hello Miss.Grace. As I told you I found you and I am now ready to take you to the ball."

"Oh so now you're taking me to a ball?"

"Well not really. I'm taking you to a resturaunt."

"Good I thought that maybe I was a bit underdress."

"This is the infamous Jack. Let me tell you your sister talks about you all say long." Said Whitney stepping out of the bathroom.

"No I don't. I don't, and please don't take that personally." 

"Not offence taken at all." 

"Are you ready to go?" Jack asked holding out his hand ready for me to take it. 

"Yes." I said taking his hand. 

"Don't stay out to late kids!" Whitney called after us. 

"Shut up." I mouthed to her on our way out. 

"So that's you sister?" Jack asked. 

"Yep." I answered embarresed. "But she doesn't live with me all the time. She just came here yesterday because she said she...missed me." I told him while getting into the car. 

"Intresting story." He told me pressing his foot down on the break and and pressing the start button. 

"That's not even the half of it." I told him. 


"Here we are my lady." Jack to me when we arrived at Mishoto's an Italian resturaunt I had been to only once when I had to meet a client.

"Great." Jack stepped out of the car and  then opened the car door for me. 

Jack escorted me in and he threw the keys to the valet. He then walked me in. 

"Welcome Mr. Leia. Your regular table?" The man asked. 

"Wow, I had no idea you were a big deal in New York. I told him.

"Oh I'm not. My father owns the resturaunt."  He told me while the maitre d escorted us to a table. 

"So do I get to meet the parents on the first date ?" I asked questioned. 

"It's up to you. But I have to tell you, my father is in the kitchen. And he is very busy." 

I laughed and we sat down. 

"Excuse me for a minute." I said and I walked towards the bathroom. Why was I so excited about this date I had only met the guy once and he seemed perfect isn't that impossible. What if he has a hugh flaw that only the people closest to him know of. 

I walked into the bathroom and was shocked to see the one person I thought wouldn't see for some time. Mrs.Anderson. 

"Hello Miss.Grace." She said to me looking at me through the mirrior she was looking at for applying make-up.


"Oh so you will speak to me."

"I'm sorry?" I questioned.

"Do not 'I'm sorry' me. I welcome you into my home and you along with the picece of trailer trash."

"Mrs.Anserson I'm aplogize but I don't believe I know what you are talking about."

"You don't know what I'm talking about. Well isn't that a load of crap. You know what I'm talking about and I can almost guarantee that. I know about the affair that my husband and my sister-in-law had. What I didn't know about until recently is that from that affair came a child. I can not believe that you are       blackmailing my husband into doing what you want in exchange for keeping the affair a secret."

"I am not blackmailing you husband. I have told him that in a situation like the one that he is in. Were family is so close to the heart, he should try to surport his brother. I had barley mentioned the fact that his only son was living under the roof of his step-brother's. And that some day when he find out that his father was told to him to be his uncle, is the day that that child's whole childhood becomes corrupt. If you have any idea on how much that hurts a person."

"Oh darling the thing is I know that you do. Infact I had my investigator find out everything about you. I know that your father sent you to boarding school until you graduated. That he married Teresa who was most likely the one that had you sent out. And don't get me started on your sister."

"What are you going to do?" I questioned her. 

"Well, let's just say if I ever hear you talk to my husband again or if the trailer trash does, then you might have to be sent off again. To a place not a nice as a boarding school."

"Thank you for your time Mrs.Anderson."

"Anytime doll" And with that I left the bathroom. 

I walked to our table to se Jack with another women at the table. A women that was older then him or me. And was most likely his mother. 

"Spencer, this is my mother Teresa. Teresa this is my date for tonight Spencer."

"Oh, Jack don't worry Spencer and I have met."

"Yes we have. When I was five. But because of so many vacations, I have seem to lost track of her and my father."

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