She Slept ith Her Brother-in-law

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Chapter 5

Let's Raise This Kid Together With His Real Dad My Husbands Brother

"So your sure that the man that got you pregnent is James Anderson, and not your husband John?" I asked hoping she would say that she wasn't.

"That's what the paternity test showed." She said almost, in tears.

"Does James know?"

"No, the night that I was going to tell him that I was pregnant was the night that he said we couldn't see each other intimantely anymore. I hoped that maybe if I told him that the child I was going to have might be his, he would have tried to make it work. He would have surported me through it, unless the child wasn't his." She was know practically crying a river. "I guess I shoud l have seen it coming though."

"What do you mean?" I asked her. Hoping for more details.

"Well James and John are brothers." Gabby said taking a breath from crying. "Tracy Mcfee married Jim Anderson and they had James. After Jim died Teacy married Bill Leroy and they had John. Spencer they share a mother. I married one and had an affair with the other. Even worse I had a child with each of them. I just thought that-"

"That James would be different from John who was leaving you in the middle of the night for his hobby." I said cutting her off. What other women wouldn't want that. A man the same but different, from another.

"Exactly, but he left me and John came back." By the end of the story she was back at crying.

I went to get a box of tissues and then I spoke to Gabby. "I want you to go splash water on you face and put on more make-up. Then we are going to go home and get the test. Then our last stop is going to be going to the governor's mansion.


"Can I help you Miss?" Asked the guard in front of the gate at the governors mansion.

"Yes. I was wondering if Mrs.Leroy and I Miss.Grace could meet Governor Anderson."

"Do you have an appointment?"

"No, but I believe that if you told the governor that family is here to see him for an emergency- which this is. He might be able to fit us in."

"Yes Miss.Grace, I'm sure you would. I'll let you in." He pushed a button and the gates opened to let us in.

"Thank you." And with that I drove up to the house in my Ford Explorer, with a paternity test proving that James Anderson was the father of John Leroy II.

Gabby and I walked up to the door and entered into the mansion.

"Hello?" Said a women's voice calling from the second floor. She then apperaed by rounding the corner of the house. "Oh Gabby! Its great to see you." From what I saw on t.v. this lady was the governors wife. "Oh Gabby I haven't seen you in forever, what are you here for? How are the kids?"

"There great." Gabby answered nervously. "I was actually here to see James. To talk about John's campaign. It's a very private matter. John sent me to make sure that James was okay with the decision."

"Perfect he's right in the study. And who is your friend you have here?"

"This is Spencer Grace she is John's new campaign manager."

"Oh my, it's nice to meet the famous Spencer Grace."

"Well it's certainly nice to meet the governor's wife."

"Thank you." She said smiling. "Go on in." She then pointed in the direction that we neded to go to see James Anderson.

We rounded the corner and then I started talking to Gabby.

"Are you ready to tell him the truth?"

"I think so." She answered and then she knocked on the door.

"Come in." A deep man's voice said.

We entered the room and James looked up from his book he was reading.

"Gabby? What are you doing here." He asked putting down his book and slowly standing up from his chair.

"I have something to tell you. It's important."

"What's something so important you come barging into my home, when my wife is here?"

"It invovles you and me."

"Of course it involves you and me. Why the hell else would you be here?" He questioned her, not acknowleding that I was even in the room. He steped closer and closer to her every word he spoke.

"Please James stop it!"

"Stop what?" He asked. "Stop telling you to not see me?"

"Please James!"

"You know we could get caught by your husband. By my wife!"

"James I had your Baby!" she almost yelled.

"You- What?" He whispered.

"When we had our affair I bacame pregnant. With your child."

"You had my child? What? Wait your just doing this to get back at me for ending our affair."

"No Mr.Anderson, it's true." I said stepping out of what seemed like the shadows.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked turning his head towards me.

"Mr.Governor, I'm Spencer Grace. John Leroy your borther's campaign manger. I brought Gabby here. You see when she was pregnant she had a paternity test done. With DNA samples from you and your brother. And when the results came back it was proven that the child was yours." I explained to him he kept looking back between me and Gabby, with the look of shock on his face. "Show him the test Gabby."

Gabby went through her bag and pulled out the test stating that James Anderson the now governor of New York was for a fact the father of Gabby Leroy's child.

"So the child I see every holiday John Leroy the second is not really my brother's son but...Mine?"

"Yes." Gabby said looking at him with tears once again in her eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He said placing the test down on the table and taking Gabby's hands, and leading her over to the couch.

"The night I was going to tell you I was pregenant was the night you told me we had to end it."

"Gabby I don't know what to say."

"Well you could start by doing a few simple things." I said standing up across from them.

"Anything." James Anderson said still holding Gabby's hands.

"You need to surport your brother in everything that he does in his campaign. Everything."

"What do you mean everything?"

"There might be somethings that your brother has to hide too. But in times like these you need to surport your family."

"Of course." He said still looking at Gabby. "I'm so sorry Gabby. If you need anything Gabby please call."

"Thank you." She said holding his hands and staring deeply into his eyes. As if they were two teenagers in love.

"Gabby I think that we need to go." I said. She slowly stood up still holding his hands. And they slowly parted from each other. Only taking their eyes off each other by blinking. "Gabby go to the car I'll meet you there." She then left from the room. "I have one more request. This one is personal"

"What is it?" James said, coming back to earth.

"I want you to be more in the life of John. He's really your son and even though he already has a father figure. The day that he figures out that you are truly his father, if you weren't around he won't be happy. Make him happy that his true father was always by his side."

"Of course. But why do you even care?"

"Because my father wasn't always there. Every kid wants a special releshinship with their dad. I want him to have something I didn't. A good father." And then I walked out of the house, and into the car with Governor Anderson's mistress. His brother's wife.

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