The First Lady Might Know Things About Me, But I'll Find Things On Her

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Chapter 11

The First Lady Might Know things About Me, But I'll Find Things On Her

"Whitney wake up." I called to my sister. 

"What? Is there a fire?" She asked springing to life. 

"No. You're coming to work with me today."

"What do you mean?" She asked standing up and heading into the bathroom. 

"Well today I have work and you're going to come with me. You have been complaining on how I leave you here to do nothing. And so I decided to change that."

"Fine." She said shutting the bathroom door for once in my face. 

After twenty very long minutes of waiting for her to get dressed she finally was ready. And we set of for the campaign headquarters. We arrived and ran into John's office to find that we weren't the only people in there. Besides us there was John, Gabby, James Anderson, and his wife. When we entered the room they all turned around and looked at us. 

"Spencer come on in." Gabby said to me. "Who do you have here?" She asked looking at my sister. 

"This is my sister she wanted to be apart of the campaign."

"Great!" John said. "Could your sister help us out with planning the party we are having tonight at the Country Club? You see we still need to set up the decorations."

"I'd love to." She said. "In fact I'll head down there right now. Spence you won't mind if I take your car."

Normally I would have objected but with a room full of people she knew how to get me.

"Go right ahead." I told her hesitantly handing her the keys. She then left the room leaving the awkward silence just for everyone with certain connections in the room.

"John I was wondering if maybe I could talk to you campaign manager quickly." Mrs. Anderson questioned him.

"Of course go right ahead." She then motioned for me to exit the room and follow her to where ever she was going.

After we arrived in a room that had nothing but but flyers telling you to vote for John Leroy she started talking.

"You see Miss.Grace tonight John might be having an event and his brother might be there, but I don't want to see my husband with you or Gabby. Or else something might just, slip out when I saying my speech. You see I not only now about you. But I know about John. And I was the one that sent the letter to the men that helped John break into the bank. And I know about his 'high class' prostitution ring. So I think I have you under my little thumb. And I recommend that when I say something, you should probably listen." She gave me a sly smile and then she left the room.

How could she have so much on us and we have don't anything on her? It was then that the idea hit me. I pulled my phone out of my purse and called my office.

"Hello?" Liam answered.

"Liam it's Spencer. I need you and everyone else at the office to get as much information as you can about the governor's wife. I'll be at the office in two hours. Have everything set up ready to present for me. Make me a hardrive and some hard copies."

"Got ya." Liam said. With that he hung up.  

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