Politician To Pimp

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Chapter 3

Politician To Pimp

"I'm drunk."

"Yes Meg, yes you are." I responded to her as I put her right arm over my shoulder and practically carried her out of the car.

"No, no it's a joke... See I say..I'm drunk... And you say....How drunk are you?" She told me knowingly, stopping in between each word a bit.

"Okay. How drunk are you?" I asked anyoed at this point.

"Ahhh-Choo! Bless me! Oh how drunk am I? Really drunk." She started to laugh at her own joke when we reached her apartment door.

"Hand me the keys."

"Oke-doke." She said to me as if she were a child.

I took the key and jabbed them angerly into the key hole. How come I always have to be the resonsible one? Why can't I let loose for one night and someone take care of me? But who do I have that I can really trust will take care of me, if I 'let loose'.

We finally made it into her apartment and i took her through the kitchen and into her bedroom where I pushed her onto her bed. I felt an enurmes weight being lifted of my shoulders. And then a pain hit it.


"Oww, what?" Meghan questioned.

"Nothing. go to bed."

"Okay." And with that she flipped over to her side and within minutes was a sleep.


Iw ake up in the morning in my bed and to the sound of my phone vibrating on my bed side wooden table. A sound I can't stand. I quickly pick it up and look a caller I.D

The Office

Why would my office be calling me at six-thirty in the morning. We have Saturdays off. But I answered the phone anyway.

"Spencer?" It was Liam calling his voice was hushed and hurried.

"Yes." I answered back

"We have a bit on an...Emergency down at the office. A person is here and says she knows you."

"Name?" I asked him while getting out of bed and getting dresses

"Gabby Bateman. Ring a bell?"

"Stay right there. Everyone!"

I rushed to get dresses and at first realized before I headed out the door I had two different shoes on. After I changed my shoes I couldn't help but keep thinking about the possibility of the Gabby down at my office right then being Gabby Alan. A girl I had go to school with until out second year of high school when she disappeared with her family not being heard by anyone in our town of Detroit again.

I drove to my office and looked through my purse to find my keys. But after five minutes of searching I determined that I had left them at home. I pulled out my phone and called the office.

"Spencer Grace's office how can I help you?" asked Anastasia.

"Anastasia it Spencer I'm locked out."

"We'll send someone right down."

Within two minutes Liam was down stairs and opening the door for me.

"What does she look like?" I questioned him while rushing to the elevator.

"Short curly blond hair. Brown eyes, short."

That was her the girl I hadn't seen since I was 16 was back and asking me for help. But for what?

We got to my office floor and Liam pointed to the room she was in. I walked to the large double wooden door and opened both at the same time.

"Gabby,as I live and breath."

"Spencer!" Gabby can over to me and hugged me tight "I have never been so happy to see someone." she whispered to me.

"Miss. Grace?" Gabby stopped hugging me and sat down on the couch in the office.

"Yes. That is me." I answered to the man who posed the question.

"Hi, I'm John Leroy."

"Nice to meet you." I then motioned for them to sit down. "What can I help you with."

They both looked at each other with fear in their eyes and I could tell that what they were about to tell could not be public. Yet.

"Miss. Grace, as I'm sure you know I am running for State Representative." He started. "And with running for any public office you try to make sure that you record is clean."

"Of course." I responded.

"Well for some people like myself that isn't the case."

"I'm sorry, do you mean-"

"John doesn't have a very clean slate." Gabby interrupted.

"Yes, you see I have been running," When he said this he sat next to his wife and held her hand. "A prostitution ring for the past five years." at this point the was leaning in close and whispering.

"Mr. Leroy are you saying." I stopped there not thinking I could finish.

"Spencer for the past five year not only has John been a business man but he has been a, a-a"

"A pimp Miss.Grace for the past five years I have been a pimp."

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