There is Something The First Lady is Selling and it isn't Blackmail

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Chapter 12

 There is Something The First Lady is Selling and it isn't Blackmail

"What do you have on her?" I asked walking into teh confrence room at my office two hours later. I thought that they need lots of time, but I was wrong. When I walked in they were sitting calmly in chairs with Starbucks for everyone including myself. There was a projection screeen set up and piles of papers on the table. 

"We have everything on her." Anatashia respnded with a hugh toothy smile. "Come sit down." She told me. 

I sat down at the head of the table and waited for them to tell me everything. 

"Okay first off her name is Isabella Anderson. But her maiden name is maiden. She moved to Sanfincisco when she was tweleve with the rest of her family, but after she went to college most of her family had died. She was left with barley anything so she moved to New York with the only money that she had left to try and make a living in acting. After that didn't really work out she decided to become a waitress. But not at just one place. She was a waitress at two places. A resturaunt and at a soup kitchen. She would work at these two places for years."

"She's a saint she can pull the dead parent card. She worked for the poor. The aspiring actress that failed. The double job worker. And the homeless shelter worker."

"But," Liam continued. "That's the clean virsion the virsion that when you don't look deep into it you find. Here's the real virsion." He told me handing me a minella folder. "That folder is for blackmail let me tell you the full story. She worked at the homeless shelter so she could steal money from the poor that's how she paid her rent. She worked her extra job so that she could have transportation to her real job." He said looking at everyone in the room that was smiling. 

"And what was her real job?" I asked. 

"If you now look in the folder you will see Isabella Anderson was a prostitute. And she might still be. For the one and only Jonh Leroy. 

At this point how couldn't I smile.


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