Pimp, Robber, and a Mistress Oh, My!

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Chapter 4

 Pimp, Robber, and a Mistress Oh, My!

"Miss.Grace I hate to say it, but not only have I been a 'pimp' for the past five years but, I have also robbed a bank. When I was twenty-six. I was in another ring, of bank robbers."


"Please call me John."

"John you are only thirty years old. And in your life you have been a pimp and a bank robber. That hasn't been caught."

"Well you see with the bank robbery. They caught the wrong man.You see there was a case that had investigators closing in on me and the other men who commited the crime. So the other men paid for past criminals to give them selves up. From there the other men went to another country unknown to me." 

"John let me tell you that you have just admitted to multiple crimes that could put you in jail for multiple years to a lawyer. And just to let you know there are five recording devices throughout this room." 

"But Spencer that is why we came here. We need you. We need to make sure that this doesn't come out during the campiagn. If it doesn't come out during the campaign then John is willing to tell the people about it and suport previous convicts, and try to pass a bill where covicts are given second chances." Gabby told me.

"And if John doesn't win the campaign, then I am an accesory to a crime with the possibility to go to jail."

"Miss.Grace if you surport me through this campaign then if I win or not I will tell everyone of my past misakes."

"I'm sorry I still can't do this."

"Spencer, John and I are willing to do anything for you to help us. We want you to be our manager and we will do whatever you say."

It was then that Gabby looked at John and he put his hand into his suit's inner pocket. And pulled out a large envelope overflowing with cash. John then handed it to me.

"There is thirty thousands dollars in that envelope and if you work for me there is more to come."

I looked down at the hundred dollar bills in the envelope and thought. Just last week I had been told that my business was falling apart I was going bankrupt. I was giving my knowledge away. And the money that I had in my hand would settle everything that I needed. I could help my business, the Leroy's, and past convicts. But if I didn't do this then I could turn John and give him the proper justice that he needed. 

"I'll do it." That was all I said. 


"This is the headquarters and where all the magic happens." Gabby told me. She then walked me into John's office where he was behind his desk and on the phone. But when he saw us he hung up. 

"Spencer. Thank you for coming over so quickly." It had only been two hours since I said that I help the Leroy campaign out. He gave me a hug and was about to speak when there was a knock on the door. 

"Come in." John answered back.

"Mr.Leroy there has been a special delievery made for you. I was told that it wasn't a survey. And that it needed to be given to you right away." The young red haired girl handed John the slim large orange envelope and left the room with a smile. 

John took the envelope and opened it with a smile but after two second with his eyes on it, he started to frown. 

"What is it darling?"Gabby asked walking over to him and looking over his shoulder. She too though started to frown. 

"Gabby do you have anything to tell me." John asked Gabby, who was looking at the ground. 

"May I see the letter?" I asked. 

"Sure, I need to go." John said practically throwing the letter at me and storming out of the room. Leaving me and Gabby questioning where he was going. 


I know you may tell one person about what's happened in confidence, but what if someone already knew about everything. That's where I come in. Oh, and by the way don't feel so guilty about what you did. Your wife is not best friends with a 'clean slate' either.

"Gabby do you know what this means?" I asked her knowing she did, but only wondering what it was that she was hiding. 

"Spencer I had an affair." She stumbeled over to John's chair behind the desk. "After a few monthes of me finding out of John's new....hobby. I was furious with him. I left one night when Beatrice was asleep and went to a bar. I got pretty drunk and met a man. I took him back to my place and we."

"I understand no need for details. But who was the man?"

"The man is the governor of New York. James Anderson. That night was the first of many times that he came over to my house during the night. The only thing was that one time he's wife came close to catching us one night and he left me. James told me that no one knew what was going on, and that I could never tell anyone." 

"Gabby your husband came clean with me telling me everything that happened to him in his past. You need to do the same in case anything else comes out ."

Gabby had tears in her eyes and was looking at a picture John had on his desk with their family. John, Gabby, and two kids. A boy who looked to be about five, and a girl who looked about ten years old. 

"My youngest, John Leroy the second. Isn't John's child. He's Jame Anderson's child. I had a perternity test done when I found out I was pregenet. I didn't have the guts to tell John. But he only has one child.

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