Meet My Teacher Sister Who is in Trouble, Again

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Chapter 7

Meet My Teacher Sister Who is in Trouble, Again

Who knew that in one whole day you could be bribed to not tell anyone about a politicians previous crimes that he was never arrested for. Then find out about an affair that the governor had with his step-brother's wife. What more could occur. I pulled into the parking lot and sat back with the air conditioning blowing at my head and making  my hair blowin every direction. But after the few seconds of the only time I had had to relax that day, I decided to get out of the car. 

I stepped out of the car and saw a dark figure dash around the corner. This was just me being tired right? Of course it was. I took two steps when I again out of the corner of my eye saw a figure dash somewhere.  Suddenly I felt unprotected, I started to dash to the elevator to take me up to my apartment.  


I got into my apartement unharmed. And extreamly tired. I collasped onto the couch and turned on the news. But there was nothing but boring news that I had already heard. I slowly started to fall alseep until there was a loud bang on the door. I was startled and practically fell off the couch. 

Could it be the dark shwdow that I saw dart around the corner? Of course, that shawdow wasn't a threat though right? I cautionally approached the door and looked through the peep hole. No. Could it really be? But it was.


"Sis. I can't believe I found you! For a famous lawyer your location is extremly hard to find."

"Well I have a lot of people that I don't want to come to my house. Which includes you." 

"Oh, come on sis. You know that you miss me."

"No, not really." I said stepping away from the door and her stepping in and shuting it. 

"Fine. But I'm going to tell you that if you don't help with what I need then I'm not leaving."

"You need help again?" I asked shocked that just today I thought of another situation that Whitney needed help from my family.

"You say it like it happens all the time."

"It's certainly not the first time you've come crawling for help." I said now trying to look intrested in the news. "What happened? Did you have an affair with a student?" I said jokingly.

Whitney fell back and dropped aginst the door.

"Are you kidding?" I asked standing up. "You had an affair with a student? I thought you learned not to do this when you were still in colege to become a teacher. Haven't you learned from you're mistakes?"

"Come on sis. If you help-." Before she could finish that sentence my phone rang.

"If you can wait just for one second then maybe I will listen. Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Spencer it's Gabby. I need you help at the house."

"Sure I'll be right there." I started to get up and get my coat. 

"Okay, so your going to leave when your only sister comes to ask you for help?"

"Yes." And with that I slammed the door. 

I got into the car and then right away sped of to the Leroy's house. I got there with in fiftenn minutes and saw three cars in the driveway. I got out of the car and knocked on the door. Within seconds Gabby answered the door. 

"Thank goodness that you are here. I had not idea what I would do if you couldn't come over." She welcomed me in.

"What's wrong?" I asked looking around to se if there was any distruction. 

"You see three men showed up here today say that they knew John." She started walking and I followed her. There were three men in the library along with John all drinking scotch and yelling insane things about when they were younger.

"Who are they?" I asked.

"They are the people John robbed the bank with." 

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