Bam, Boom, You're Dead

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Chapter 21

Bam, Boom, You're Dead 

"What are we doing?" John asked me jumping into my car. 

"We're going to find Gabby, and John." 

"We don't know where they are!" He protested against me almost in tears. Why did people have to be so weak?

"I'll find them John calm down." I told him while we left the driveway.

"What if we don't-" 

"Shut up John!" With that he kept his mouth shut. 

What if I did get there and it was too late? Would they be dead, hurt, would someone find them before we got there? Could they be safe? Could we get there and they would be fine? They had to be fine, and then I would convince Gabby to go back to John, and they would be one happy family again. Right?

"Spencer." John whispered, probably afraid that I would chew him out. 

"What?" I answered eagerly. 

"What was your childhood like?" 

"It was fine." I said threw my teeth, why would he even touch on such a delicate subject? "Why?"

"Because you never talk about it, even I'll say one or two good memories that I've had with my brother." There was silence for a few seconds. "It seems like unless you have to bring it up you won't, like you sister."

"You really want to know?" I asked him giving him a quick glare.


"My childhood was hell. I never saw my parents, the only adult figure in my life was the housekeeper, my father and sister hated each other, my dad married an evil women that sent me off to boarding school. I didn't see my dad for years, and for years to me that was normal. But when all your friends talk about seeing their parents during break, and all my dad would do is leave when I was coming home. You realize your life is crummy."

"What about your mom." I looked at John once more and realized something. His two kids could grow up and have the same life I did. 

"My mom left with some guy she was having an affair with. My sister decided to go with my mom, and I was too young to pick a side, so I stayed with my dad. He was always busy, and never liked to have any memories of my mom. Whenever my sister would come by it would be because she needed help or money, and then she'd leave."

He looked at me with awe. "I'm so sorry. I had no idea."

"I don't need pity." I told him straightening up, "I have a roof over my head, a job, and practically anything else that I need. I don't need pity though."

"Sorry it's just-" 

"Stop." And just like that our conversation was over. 

"We're here." I told John pulling over to the side of the rode, and sure enough there was a car over the edge into the ditch. The only thing was, we weren't the first people to get there. There were men going down to the car and getting them. But when I looked around there was no towing company, no police, and any official business that is usually there when your car falls into a ditch. 

"Spencer." Said a sly voice. I recognized it right away. It was my father's voice. 

"Dad? What are you doing here?" 

"After our little talk I arranged for an incident to happen to your friends-not too severe of course, I mean there's a child in the car."

"You caused this?" I asked. 

"Yes, and now if you come with me to the car I have your friend Gabby and her son in the limo wating."

"What about James?"

"Oh, honey you see he was the person we were really trying to hurt."

"Is he dead?"

With a smirk on his face he told me, "He is sweetheart."

"You killed him." I whispered. 

"No honey I didn't kill him I arranged for someone-"

"You killed him!" I said louder.

"I arrange for someone to kill him, to help-"

"You killed him." I said, almost shouting.

"I did it to help you, we're going to leave John here and-"

"You killed him!" I said screaming.

"We're leaving John here and he will go to jail."

"You killed him!" I said even louder. 

"Sir the police are five minutes away, we're taking Miss. Grace's car back to her home, and someone has just pulled up with Mr.Leroy's car. We are ready for a quick escape once you get into the car." I looked over at John who was looking at the car , no doubt thinking his wife, brother, and nephew were dead.

"You Killed HIM!" I said once more and with that, a needle went into my thigh, and everything went black.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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