Bank Robbers are Here, But Who's Taking Spencer To the Ball?

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Chapter 8

 Bank Robbers are Here, But Who's Taking Spencer To the Ball?

"What do you mean these are the people that John robbed the bank with? John said that they were in an unknown country." 

"They were. But they said that someone called them and said John needed them. They came here drunk. And they said they're staying here."

"You don't think they'll stay for long, will they?" 

"Spencer they said they want to stay for the whole campaign."


And what a 'great' day it truly was. I say sarcastically. 


"Sis why do you have to go to work so early?"

"Because unlike you when I have to work I can't just call in sick."

"Don't get so defensive sis. I was just asking you a question."

"Well I don't have time for you little questions. I have to go. Have fun today."

"Doing what sitting and watching t.v?" And then once again I slammed the door in Whitney's face. 


"Thank goodness you're here Spence. The guys decided that they were going to come to work with John. They said they want to work with him."

"I'll handel it." I then walked to John's office. 

"Oh remember when ol'John got so drunk that he started to-" 

"Mr. Leroy I hear that your friends are ready to set up for work." 

"Oh yea, Spencer this is Anthony Johnson, Bill Likawa, and Sean Neil. Guys this is Spencer Grace."

"John is she one of your.....Workers." asked Sean. 

"Absoulutly not. I am offended you would even think that." I suddenly found myself buttoning my shirt more and pulling my skirt to hide my knees,

"Just kidding sweetheart."

"Oh, it was so funny I forgot to laugh. Follow me."  I said motioning for the three former bank robbers to follow me to get them set up. "You see the campaign and I weren't really expecting for you to arrive, from the unknown location you were in."

"Oh so you know of the story?" Anthony said. 

"Of course, I'm an investigator and took over John's campaign to protect him know." I said opening the door to the confrence room and telling them to come in. "And considering that I know about this unless you want to go to jail faster then you can say 'bank robbery'. Then I recommend that you sit down in this confrence room and go through all the residence in this district and find out if the residence in each household are leaning towards voting for John or not."

"How do we do that." Sean asked.

"Well you google each one of the residence and considering that you were able to break into a bank, I'm sure you'll be able to mastermind a plan. And you will be doing this until six, and considering it seven maybe you should have gotten here a bit later." I flashed them a smile and then left the room.

I was getting ready to text Gabby that everything was handeled when I accidently bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry." We both said in unison.



"Jack. What are you doing here."

"I work here. What are you dooing here Spencer."

"I work here. I'm the campaign manager."

"Really?" He questioned. "So now I work with you? Maybe we will get to see each other more." He said inching closer to me and rasing one eyebrow after another.

"Haha, There's that scence of humor that I love."

"Oh, so you do love something about me?" He asked inching colser.

"I would barley say that considering we only meet what two nights ago."

"Exactly two nights ago but, I would like to make that two nights ago and tonight. So I'll pick you up for a drink tonight." He started to walk away and I was about to object to his invitation when he turned back around. "Strickly business though. I pick you up a seven." He winked and then walked away.

"You don't know where I live!" I shouted after him.

"Don't worry I'll find out." He shouted back not even turning around.


"So you're going on a date little sis. I'm here all day lonley and then when you come back you have a date to go on."

"That sure sounds like the little situartion that we have going on here."

"Well we seem to have a lot of little situations going on here. I came here because I thought that maybe you would help me. Dad decided to practically disown me after the last incident-"

"Yea, because that shouldn't have occured. But don't worry I doubt that dad really has 'disowned' you. It's practically like he's done the same to me ever since he married that...girl."

"I know isn't she terrible. I mean she is like the real wife from the second Parent Trap that was going to send the kids off to school. I mean she sent you off to school and made you not see dad until your graduation. I wounder how they met?."

"I don't know she was probley stood up by a client." I said putting in an earring. 

"Haha, I thought the same thing." This moment for the first time in years was the first time that my sister and I had bonded, but the moment was ended by the knock on the door. That meant one thing. Jack was here for out date.

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