My Father the Killer

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Chapter 20

My Father the Godfather

"More wine Miss?" asked the waiter.

"I'm fine thank you." I told him. I had been sitting here for the past five minutes waiting for a person I thought I would never spend the time of day on again. My father. He had told me to wait for him for reasons that were unknown. I looked down at my phone and opened imessages to make sure that I had gotten the right place and time.

Spencer meet me at Maria's at 6:30. Dinner is on me. I have to talk to you.

I was right. He was ten minutes late. Why don't I just leave, I didn't have to wait around for him. I was just about to stand up when I heard him.

"Spencer don't leave yet." My dad told me walking towards the table.

"Hello father." I told him sitting back down.

"Thank you for meeting me. I understand you're busy."

"I am which is why the next time we go out to dinner I can't have you be ten minutes late."

"Well thank you for informing me. Have you ordered already?"

"No, but I have to get going so let's skip ordering and you get to the point."

"Spencer I recommend that we order." He told me eyeing the menu.

"No. Tell me what you wanted me for." I told him becoming frustrated. He said he needed to tell me something, but what?

"I don't think you want to hear what I am going to tell you on an empty stomach Spncer."

"Tell me dad. I'm fed up with you and your trophy wife. You all the sudden wanting to meet with me, when you couldn't have cared less about me for the past God knows how many years. Tell me now or I will leave."

He looked at me as if he thought I had just made a huge mistake. He put down his menu and leaned close to me signalling that he was about to tell me private information. I leaned closer and he slowly started talking to me.

"I know about what John Leroy's prostitution ring and his robbing a bank."

"Who told you." I asked becoming worried. I might have asked the question but I already knew the answer. How did he know. And why wasn't John already in jail, if he knew? Did they not have hard evidence on him yet?

"I recommend that we eat if you want to know more." He told me leaning away and once again grabbing the menu. He was so annoying. I leaned back ready to pick up the menu and fall into his plan when my cell phone rang.

"Hello?" I said into the phone, not getting up from the table.

"Spencer it's John. I need you at the house right away, somethings wrong."

Before I could ask what was wrong. He hung up.

"I have to go. John called, there seems to be a problem, and he needs me." I started to grab my things and leave when he grabbed my hand.

"Spencer I want you I would do anything to protect you."

"Thank you." I said giving him a questioning look.

"Be careful what you say." He told me. And then he let go of my hand.


I rang the doorbell once I arrived at the Leroy's wondering what could be the issue. Gabby had called me time and time again. But never John.

"Spencer." John said answering the door. He had a glass of scotch in his hand when he motioned me in. I went into the parlor and sat down while he refilled his glass. "Would you like anything." He asked me motioning to all the drinks behind him.

"It depends. Will I need it." He looked at me and then turned around and found another glass which he filled with scotch. He walked over to me and handed me the glass sitting down in the chair across from me.

"I called you because I can home about an hour ago and, John an Gabby were gone." He looked at me and then took a swig from his glass.

"Is your daughter here?" I asked. He was over thinking this.

"Yes." He answered.

"John an hour of her not being home is barley an excuse to call in a missing person's report. She could be out buying dinner, shopping, she could be doing millions of things that are delaying her from getting home on time. I'm sure if I call she will answer and everything will be explained."

"I already called her. She didn't answer."

"I hate to say it John, but you didn't exactly leave her on the best terms. Yelling at her in my office just a couple of hours ago could mean she still hasn't cooled down." I picked up my phone and looked at him. "Everything will be fine." I then unlocked my phone and dialed a number I had know learned by heart. Gabby's.

On the fifth ring she answered. "Hello?"

"Gabby! It's Spencer. Where are you I've been worried."

"I'm leaving John."

"I know, you said that in my office. But think about it Gabby-"

"I have thought about it. After I left your office I packed up my things took my son and went to James house. I'm leaving John to be with James."

"Gabby, where are you?"

"We just got on old fifty nine road. We're headed to-James!" I didn't hear Gabby's voice after that but I did hear a loud crash and John Leroy II yell "Mommy."

"Shit." John looked at me with horror in his eyes.

"WH-wh-what's wrong?" He asked his glass shaking.

"John we have to go." I told him standing up and heading towards the door.

"Where are we going? He asked me rushing after me.

"We're going to old fifty-nine road. To find Gabby, your son, and you brother." I jumped in the car and headed off hoping that the people I would find would be alive.

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