Go To Hell Dad

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Chapter 10

Go To Hell Dad

"So my father wasn't your first marriage. You decided to have a child, and then send you step-child off to a boarding school until college."

"Good thing that Jack is my step-son or else this would practically be illegal." Teresa told me with her sly smile she always used when talking to me.

"I'm sorry." Jack cut in between us. "I didn't know that you two knew each other." 

"We barley do." I answered him. "You see your step-mother wasn't as nice to you as she was to me. She sent me off to boarding school when I was six until I was eighteen."

"Oh don't blame it all on me. Your father gave you the brochures and you could have said that you didn't want to go."

"Oh that's as true as someone saying that Marie Antoinette was the nicest queen that ever lived."

"Girls, girls. Please keep it down you will cause a scene." 

"Spencer this is my step-father." Jack said looking at the table.


"Spencer. It's great to see you sweetie. How are you?"

"I would be much better if you and Teresa didn't interrupt my date."

"Well I apologize for being at my restaurant."

"Wait you own this restaurant? I'm your daughter by birth not marriage and you didn't tell me?" 

"Well you see your father finds it quite hard to locate you." She said putting her arm around my father and giving him a kiss on the lips. 

"Eww." Which surprisingly didn't come from my mouth, but my sister's. "I have to say father I am quite disappointed that your taste in women still hasn't changed." She said walking from behind me and then putting her arm around me. 

"Ahh Whitney, did you by chance get in trouble once again. Which made you think that maybe out of all the people in you slowly number declining family that could possibly help you it would be your sister."

"You want to know what dad? She did decide to come to me because we know that you want to practically disown us. So I'm sorry Jack but Whitney and I are leaving. See you tomorrow at work. Dad, Teresa, I hope I don't see you anytime soon."

With that Whitney and I walked out the door of the restaurant. 

"23." Whitney said giving the stub of the valet ticket to the valet.

"Why are you here?" I asked Whitney while getting into my car. 

"Well at first I thought that I should come here because I needed to be your mature older sister. But then I thought that they would have something to drink. Are you a no fun person that doesn't have alchol in their house?"

"No I do. I said looking at my phone and e-mailing Jack an I'm sorry e-mail. 

"I couldn't find it all day. You hide it well."

"Well you learn a lot when you become a privet investigator. I told her. 


"Here you go." I said to Whitney handing her a champagne flute and ready to pour in some champagne. 

"Actually." Whitney said pulling the flute away. "Do you have anything, stronger?"

"Vodka?" I questioned her. 

"Why not?" She answered giving me the glass back. 

"So you had no idea that that guy you went out with tonight-" Whitney started. 

"That Jack was the step-son of Trampy Teresa?"

"I couldn't have phrased it more perfectly." Whitney said to me taking the shot glass from me, and pouring vodka into it. 

"So you said that you had to talk to me. About."

"About my affair with a student." Whitney said after taking a shot. 

"Yea. Tell me what do you need help with."

"Well I was teaching, and after class a student said that he needed some help on the lesson. But he got closer and closer to me and then started kissing me. After a few second-maybe minutes. I realized that I had been through this before. And so I stopped him. He said that if I made him stop kissing me again then he would tell the Dean that I was the one trying to kiss him. I told him to stop and, he did just that. He went and told the Dean." She told me not taking a shot and looking all around the room except for at me. "Spencer I want you to know that I did learn from my last mistake I learned that I couldn't make life altering mistakes. If I did then that could mean not only hurting me but others."

"Wait what do you mean by others."

"Well the only way that dad could think of handling the situation was if he sent some people away. With his connections he got a job opportunity for the principal and made sure the rest of the family went with her. The catch as she had to drop all problems that were going on with students, and she could never talk to anyone in Detroit again."

"Wait, what was the name of the family." I asked.  

"Burchroit." She told me taking another shot.

"Gabby Burchroit." I said.

"Yea." Whitney said taking yet another shot. "She was the one that caught Tom and I kissing."

Could that really be true. Could the child that caught my sister having an affair with a teacher be Gabby Leroy? 

"Wow. That's an interesting story." I told her chugging the rest of my champagne. 

"That's why I came to you. I need a lawyer. A good one." She told me.

"Fine." I told her. "But you better be telling me the truth." 

"You want to know what?" Whitney asked me.

"What?" I questioned her. 

"The next time I see dad with that little tramp, or without. I'm going to walk right up to him and put one finger in the air. And not the index finger." That was the last thing that I heard from Whitney before she passed out. From all the shots. 

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