The Daughter is a slut

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Chapter 17

The Daughter is a Slut

"I'm getting a divorce." Gabby told me.

"You can't Gabby."

"Spencer I have done enough for him. Right now I think I can do whatever I want." She stated walking out of the room and I stopped her.

"Gabby if you walk out I will do everything in my power to make sure that you look like the bad guy. You can tell everyone that John ran a prostitution ring and I will defend him by saying you and Isabella are close and decided to team up against him. And Isabella will agree because I know that she wants to be with John and with you gone that makes it extremely easy. I will make sure that everyone knows that you had an affair with James. I will make John look like the angel sent from above, and you will look like the cheating wife that you are." I looked at her with the sly smile that I had always hated people giving me. She looked at me as if she hated me at that moment. 

"Fine. I'll fix it. I'll go out with him. You take care of our daughter." And with the she left the office slamming both doors. 

When did I become this person. The person that would trick someone into doing what I needed by threatening them. I was becoming the person that I hated. And for what? Someone that I barley knew and would never care about if they hadn't come to me and given me all the money that I needed. 


"Spencer." Gabby said to me coldly. "Come in." I walked into there house that looked nothing like a house a person who was a pimp lived in.  "She's in her room and if she needs you then she'll find you. No need to disturb her." She once again gave me a cold look and then looked up at the stairs. "Ready John?"

"Yep!" Said a yell coming down the stairs. John came running down the stairs in a suit and tie and ran out the door taking Gabby's hand. 

"Bye." I said. And with that they left the house. I was alone in the house for a bit. James had taken my advice and was out with John II for the night. So it was just me and Cameron in the house. Or so I though. I was sitting in the living room reading a book when I heard a sound that was like a thud against the wall. I thought the maybe I had just imagined it, so I went back to reading. It was about three minutes when again I heard the sound. I got up and went to where I believe I heard the sound. It was coming from Cameron's room. I leaned into the door and heard heavy breathing. and then another bang against the wall. I was becoming worried so I knocked. 

"Cameron it's Spencer, are you okay." There was silence in the room. No heavy breathing and then after a few second she responded. 

"Yea I'm fine I'm just dancing."

"Oh well that cool. I was wondering-" I said opening the door. But I then realized that it was a huge mistake to do so. When I walked into the room there was Cameron in almost naked and with another man. Cameron looked at me and then at the man in the room who seemed to be twenty. 

"Paul leave." She told the man who walked out fully clothed-except for a shirt- the door. "What do you want?" She asked me starting to get dressed. 

"What do I want?" I asked her. "I wanted to know what you wanted for dinner. But you seemed to not want dinner at the moment."

"Ha you think you're so funny."

"No I don't and you want to know what else I don't think is funny you being with that guy. How old are you anyway.?" I asked her, remembering the photo of her and her family on John's desk. She looked about ten there. And the oldest the picture could be is a year. 

"I'm fourteen and about to turn fifteen if you must know." She said turning around and sitting on her bed. Now clothed. 



"So what do you feel the need to lie to me?"  I asked. 

"I'm not lying. My parents try to make me look like I'm a little girl. But I'm not. And so when they aren't around I act the age that I am." 

"First off there is no need for someone your age to act the way your were about to. That's something that I never did at your age and I know that there has not been much of a change from when I was thirteen and you are know. And second were having pizza you can stay with me for the rest of the night until your parents get home."

"Fine." She said to me. Getting up and picking up her phone.

"No phone." I told her walking out the door. 

"Don't tell me you didn't act the way I do when you were thirteen. I can see right throught that." She told me putting the phone down on her bed and walking past me giving me a smirk and into the kitchen. "I only like cheese on my pizza." That's all she told me. 

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