Go Ahead Marry The Prostitue

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Chapter 6

Go Ahead Marry The Prositute


Flash back 17 years ago 


"Maria!" I called to our housekeeper who truly took care of more then she bargined for. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and down the hallway. 

"He should be back by dinner Spencer." She said with a duster in once hand and a roll of paper towels in the other, already know what I was going to ask. 

"Thank you." I replied looking back down at my rubic cube.

"You can come down stairs and have lunch now." She said setting down the cleaning supplies on my bed side table. And then coming over to sit on my bed.

"I'm fine." I answered back coolly.

"I made you favorite. Mac and cheese, with chocolate milk."

"I guess I could come down. But just for lunch." I answered dropping the rubics cube.

I went with Maria down the hall and stairs to the kitchen. Where on the stove was a hot pot of mac and cheese. In the pot that my mother always used to cook it in. Or at least that was what I was told. I went over to the table where my glass of chocolate milk was on the table beside my favorite glass bowl and a cloth napkin. Just as Maria was pouring the mac and cheese into my bowl there was a knock on the door. 

"Maria it could be dad! Maybe he came home early. Can I open the door?"

"Why not." Maria answered backing away so that I could run towards the door. My five year old self sprinted all the way to the door, wondering what I would say to my dad when I opened the door to see him. For the first time in two whole weeks. 

"Daddy!" I answered opening the door and holding out my arms ready for him to pick me up and squeeze me tight for a hug. But the person at the door wasn't my father it was my sister. 

"Not daddy but sissy!" My sister Whitney bent down outside the door and gave me a hug. "It's great to see you! How are you?" She said in a extreamily over cheering voice. She wanted something. 

"Fine." I answered ending the hug and going back into the kitchen. 

"Are you still mad at me for missing you birthday?" She asked, steping inside the house I didn't welcome her in, and running after me. "Come on I know that this can make up for it." She handed me a badly wrapped package to me, and smiled. "I think you'll like it."

I unwrapped the package which revealed a higger level rubic cube with 16 colored blocks on each face. "Thanks." I said simply, placeing it down and then taking a sip from the mug of chocolate milk.

"Come on doll, you know I had to miss your birthday party since I had tests in school."

"Dad didn't know until after the party Whit. No one you weren't coming until you just didn't show up. You didn't call until a five days later." 

"Doll I'm sorry. You know I want to be a teacher and I needed to pass that test."

I looked away from her, and started eatting my food.

"Miss.Whitney!" Maria said coming out of the laundry room. "I didn't know that you were coming!"

"Oh I'm only going to be here for the night. I was hoping that maybe father would be here."

"He should be by tonight." Maria almost yelled from the laundry room.

"Well then, for the rest of the day I can hang out with my favorite sister!" Whitney said in a child like voice. And leaning in to touch my nose with her index finger.

I swatted the finger away and said,"I'm your only sister. I have to be your favorite. Maria I'll take my food up in my room." With that I went up to my room and left Whitney to do whatever she wanted for the rest of the day, while I took a nap.


"What the heck are you doing here Whitney?" My father yelled. That was the thing that woke me up that day.

"I'm here because I need your help." With that I headed out of my room and down to the stairs where I could hear the coversation. 

"If you need help why don't you go with the person that you went with? Your mother."

"Because she's moved with, him." 

"How dare you mention him in my house?"

"I came here because even though mom left if this comes out it will not only ruin me, but it will ruin you too."

"What will ruin me? Are you trying to threaten me? Because you need to remember that I am your father."

"I had an affair with a teacher dad. Last week a girl caught us during a date and she told the school that she thought we were having an affair."

"We can pay her off. She must be a suffering college student we can pay her money to say that she was dared to do it. She didn't really see that, he was with someone else, we-"

"We can't do that dad. She is in 1st grade." 

"Then we can say that she was just lying. She was being a crazy little kid. She really didn't she a teacher and a student together." 

"Her mother is the persident of the college. She knows her daughter wouldn't lie about that." 

"Daddy?" I asked. Ending their conversation and making my father come to me and give me a hug. 

"Sweetie it's great to see you." He's big arms felt warm around my bare shoulders. His colonge reminded me how much I really missed being around him. "Hey, I think there is someone in the kitchen waiting to see you." 

"Okay." I answered letting go of my dad and running into the kitchen. In there was a lady with blonde hair and a tight fitting blue dress on with tall golden hills.At the time I didn't think it but know I do. She looked like a prositure. She was eatting a choclate strawberry and had a glass of champaign. She looked over at me as I entered the kitchen and put down the strawberry. 

"Oh my! You must be little Spencer. It's so nice to meet the little angel your father talks about."

"Who are you?" I asked her. 

"Spence, honey this is Teresa she is going to be your new mommy soon."

"I guess I hear about you all the time but you don't hear about me." 

"Nope." I answered lightly. 

"Oh, how sweet." Teresa said to me hugging me a bit to tight.

That was the first night that I meet Teresa and from the beginging she didn't like me.


After the wedding my father came to me with pamphlets for boarding schools. I was forced to pick one and then leave for the school the next semester. Which was exactly what I did. I didn't see my dad or Teresa untill I turned eighteen and graduated. I wasn't allowed to come home for holidays and during summer holidays I had to come home to find that Teresa and dad had gone on vacation somewhere for the whole summer until the day after I went to school.


"Spencer the lights green."

"Oh, thanks". I said stepping on the gas and and heading back to the campaign headquarters. 

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