Alison Cavanagh

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Teddy pulled Sherlock along for two blocks before turning course into a dimly lit service alley. John and Greg split up to cover the other side in case one of the Cavanaghs bolted. The anxious husband was out of breath yet kept pace with the Doberman, holding the leash in one hand and his gun in the other. His grey-blue eyes frantically searched the blocked off street, "Adelaide?!?!"

Teddy then began to growl and bark ferociously, the short hair along his spine standing on end as he jerked forward towards muffled sounds of a struggle. Sherlock raised his pistol as he let the dog lead him towards the fight, praying he wouldn't find Adelaide in the middle of it.

But tucked in a tiny alcove behind two dumpsters, that's exactly who he found. A figure clad in deep black clothing, masked so well as to obscure all facial characteristics, had her pinned against a wall. Another figure held a knife to her chest while speaking in a hushed yet vicious tone. Sherlock raised his gun, clicking off the safety, "Unhand her this instant!!"

Both attackers froze and turned to look at Sherlock. Teddy growled and let out several shrill barks, trying to get closer, "Release her now!!" Sherlock repeated, giving Teddy a bit more leash. The Assailants jolted, losing their hold on Adelaide. The one who had her pinned immediately took off, pulling on the sleeve of their companion to follow as they fled. The knife-wielder did not run and instead grabbed Adelaide again, pulling her in front like a shield and pointing the knife back at Sherlock.

He saw that they had inflicted damage to her- blunt force. Meant to stun her and keep her quiet, "Do as I say and let her go. The Yard has the area locked down. They will capture your partner and I will turn you in, with or without physical trauma is up to you."

The figure stiffened and a deep feminine voice filtered out from beneath the mask, "I'm afraid I can't surrender, Detective. This woman has refused to cooperate and so I will  make her pay."

"And what has she done to you, Missus Cavanagh?  As I recall, you abandoned her and your son in their infancy and have threatened them multiple times, stalking and possibly blackmailing her into submission." His eyes flickered to Adelaide. She was tremoring violently and seemed unable to cry. Her baby blue eyes were dark and empty, focused on the ground. Shock. She's gone into shock. His heart ached even more and he fought the urge to let Teddy loose.

"She went off and got married without telling her parents. Then she refused to let us have any part in her child's life. Two promises were broken. And if my husband and I can't see our grandchild, then nobody will." Came the hissed reply. Sherlock tightened his grip on the gun, swallowing the lump in his throat as he tried to figure out what to say to prevent Alison Cavanagh from hurting Adelaide or their baby daughter. Because at that moment, she sounded deadly serious and determined.

Police sirens filled the air, resonating off the brick buildings. This got Alison's attention and she shivered, almost letting go of Adelaide. Sherlock kept his gun trained on his target as she considered her options, "They'll be here in a few minutes now. They've likely got your husband cuffed and in a cruiser now. Let Adelaide go and come quietly. There's been enough chaos for one day."

The Sirens continued to get closer and closer, yet Sherlock and Alison were still at an impasse.

Finally, after two minutes of staring each other down, Alison lowered her knife and loosened her grip on Adelaide. She stepped back and Sherlock realized what she was doing too late.

She threw her knife at Teddy, forcing Sherlock to tackle him out of the way. As he did, Alison yanked Adelaide back and then shoved her full force, taking off as she tumbled forward and lost balance. In her state of shock, she barely managed to catch herself with her arms as she planted on the slick tarmac, going limp and rolling to her side. Teddy took off after Alison and Sherlock crawled over to Adelaide, alarm bells going off in his mind as he grasped her hand, "A-A-Adelaide, it'll be okay. We'll get you to the h-hospital and the Yard will take care of everything else."

She started to whimper, "Sh-Sherlock, I'm so s-s-sorry...!"

He shook his head, then bent down and kissed her bruised cheek, "Never mind any of that now, Angel. C-Can you sit up for me, Love?"

"I-I-I don't know..!"

"Shhh, I'm here now, Adelaide. D-Don't worry, Lovey..." He hushed her, deciding not to have her get up just yet. Instead, he placed her head in his lap, threw his coat over her, and texted Mycroft for the ambulance. We have to make sure there's no internal trauma to Adelaide or the baby. A fall like that can cause irreversible damage...

Sherlock rode with her to St Bart's and held her hand all the way to the Antenatal Ward, where she passed out suddenly and the doctors had him leave. Outside, he sank to the floor from physical and emotional exhaustion, praying that both she and the baby were going to be okay after the distress they had endured.

John texted him to let him know that both Alison and Bruce were in custody and that Teddy had been taken home, and asked if Sherlock wanted him to come and sit with him. The offer was turned down.

Thank you, but I want to sit on my own for a while. Go home to Mary and the kids. -SH

Yay!! Double update!! ☺ Love Y'all!! 😘

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