Tag, I'm it!!

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lovelyluna- tagged me so I decided to publish my answers here. The next chapter of "The Holmes Called A" will be out soon!!

1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?
   I don't use any of these. Sirius XM and Apple Music are currently what I use though.

2. Is your room clean or messy?
I usually try to keep it clean but right now it's a mess from the holidays and getting ready for the new term this week.

3. What color are your eyes?
     Blue. They change shades with my mood, so when I'm happy they're bright or dark blue, sad/angry=gray blue.

4. Do you like your name? Why or why not?
   I do like my name, since it has a unique meaning and is rare these days, especially in my generation. For all of you who don't know my name, it's Ellen. (No, I was not named after Ellen DeGeneres ;))

5. Describe your personality in 3 words or less.
    Smart, Organized, Shy

6. What is your hair color?
   Golden blonde.

7. How would you describe your style?
    Casual tee shirts and jeans. I have a buttload of souvenir and disney shirts. I just like being comfy.

8. What size bed do you have?

9. If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would it be and why?
    I'm very happy where I am now, but I would absolutely love to live in Germany. The culture, the history, and the fact I've taken 3 years of German and it's where most of my ancestors immigrated from.

10. Favorite makeup brands?
I actually don't wear a lot of makeup, but Bare Minerals all the way. My skin is ultra sensitive and I have really bad reactions most other cosmetic brands.

11. How many times a week do you shower?
      3-4. Just depends on whether or not I want to deal with my hair.

12. Favorite TV show?
      I have too many, but for the sake of time my current fav is Crikey! It's the Irwins.

13. Sandals or Sneakers?

 Sandals or Sneakers?

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14. Describe your dream date?
      Because I live in an area with a amusement parks, it would be a dream for someone (who's as big a roller coaster junkie as I am) to take me to one for an entire day. Or even something as simple as a picnic on the lake.

15. How much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
      Probably $20, not including the junk ton of quarters I have in there as well.

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