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It was Saturday. I was supposed to spend it with Natalie. She wanted to do some shopping and just spend the day together. 

That wasn't going to happen. Dad was forcing me to have dinner with Victor Diaballa. I remember vaguely my mother that I didn't like him nor trust him and frankly wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. My instincts were on high alert. It was like some sixth sense was telling me to be smart. She, of course, brushed off the topic and forced me to try on my new suit. Which is what I was doing right now. 

"We're just having dinner in the house. What do I need a suit for?" I whined to Tj who was sitting in the corner of my room, reading a magazine I had laying around. He chuckled and flipped the page, not looking at me as I threw a tantrum. 

"How am I supposed to know? She's your mother" He said and I threw my tie at him. He smacked it away and it crumbled to the floor before it even had a chance to hit him. A quick and swift movement. 

"You've known them since forever. You're supposed to know these things you damp sock!" I snapped at him and he looked up at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Damp Sock?" He said and I rolled my eyes before turning back to my mirror, messing with the buttons on my shirt.

"Don't ask. It was something I heard and couldn't stop calling people" He still looked confused but didn't voice anything about it. He just crossed it legs and tossed the magazine on the bed before coming over with my tie and tapping my shoulder. I turned around and he began to perfectly put my tie on. I could never do it on my own correctly. He did the little things for me as far as I could remember. I didn't know what I would do without him.

"Who exactly is Victor?" I asked Tj and he shrugged, concentrating on my tie. I sighed and smacked his shoulder. Tj was literally my dad's right hand man. He did know, he's just being shady about it.

"What?" He said after I hit him.

"You do know"

"Barely anything. I work close with your father but you know how he is. He rarely lets anyone in his head. I know just as much as you do,  maybe less. Sebastian has been acting..weird" He said and I tilted my head. He finished my tie and handed me my suit jacket. I put it on but was pondering what he said.

"What do you mean weird? He's always weird Tj" He chuckled a bit as he sat down, crossing his arms. He seemed...troubled.

"Just...more guarded than usual I guess. I don't know. I could just be reading him wrong. He's not exactly an open book you know. He has layers that are nearly impenetrable. He can't afford to enjoy the moment because he treats it like his last. His mind...is a dangerous place. Just like..-" Then he paused and said nothing. Just stared at the floor. I messed with the cuff links on my jacket and waited. But he still..said nothing.

"Like who?" I asked and he broke out of his trance with a shake of his head. He looked up and shook his head.

"No one. Come on. Ashley wants you presentable in the next couple minutes are else that'll be my head. Are you ready?" He asked and I sighed, not wanting to push. I nodded and followed him out the room, straightening out my jacket. I really didn't know why I had to wear this stupid thing. Tj and I chatted quietly as we walked down the grand staircase and towards the dinning room. Various candles were lit and were casting a soft glow throughout the room. Mom was wearing a black velvet evening dress and her hair was flowing down her back. She was straightening the already straight eating utensils and plates. There was quiet music filling the air, coming from the blue tooth speaker hidden behind the plants lining the dining room windows. Divenire by Ludcovico Einaudi. Mom's favorite piece to listen to whenever she could. 

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