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The plan was set.

The day was coming to a close.

And my anxiety was through the roof. After our conversation, Joel had went home to get some stuff packed up and to find his passport. He would need it in order to board the plane. Elizabeth revealed that the stop we were making was to a man named Fish. That's all he went by. She explained that he specialized in making false documents such as IDs, driver's licenses and passports. She put in an order a few weeks ago for two passports for me and her, just under different names. I figured she had gotten my picture from the school yearbook. They were ready for pick up. After that stop, we were one more step near to leaving. But I had my doubts. I still didn't remember anything from my past. And the idea of a reunion was scaring me because as sad as it was, I didn't know these people. Chris and Kade...they were my real parents but I still didn't know them like I know Sebastian and Ashley. It was messed up. I knew that they would be happy to see me. I was their son after all that they had lost. But I wasn't sure if I was able to recuperate those feelings. 

I wasn't sure of anything until the moment actually happens. We needed to actually get there before making judgements.

Elizabeth and I went over the plan one more time before I made my way home. The nerves were building up the closer I got to my house. I was really hoping that my mom would just say yes so that I wouldn't have to sneak out. I've only did it once and it proved almost impossible because my parents are light sleepers. My dad wasn't do home so I didn't have to worry about him but my mom was still a problem. But one way or another, I was getting out that house.

I saw my mom's car in the driveway and took a deep breath before pulling out my key, unlocking the front door and walking in. I could hear the TV on in the kitchen and decided to check there first. Sure enough she was sitting there but Tj was joining her for some coffee and muffins. She heard me come in because she turned around and beamed at me. My heart hurt just a little bit at the sight of her. She was still my mother, biologically or not.

I kept my face smooth before smiling, not letting myself cry.

"Hey honey! How was school?" She asked me cheerfully and I shrugged a bit, walking closer and grabbing a muffin.

"Stressful mom. Mrs. Prather announced we have a final project due next week and it will make or break our chance to graduate. She allowed us to have partners so I chose Joel. But the stress is a lot" She listened to me intently and reached out, touching my face. I felt myself wanting to cry because I still couldn't believe she wasn't who I thought she was. But she still acted the part beautifully. And that was the was just an act for her.

"Oh no honey. I'm sorry about your stress but I'm sure you will pass as long as you work hard. Do you have study sessions planned with Joel?" She asked me and I nodded, chewing on my lip.

"That's what I was going to ask. Can I stay at Joel's tonight? He's really depending on this project so he can graduate with us"

"Wasn't he held back?" She asked and I nodded, nibbling on crumbs of my blueberry muffin. She deliberated for a moment.

"Well I wanted us to have a movie night tonight. How about, we spend some time together and then you can stay the night tomorrow?" She said to me and I was irritated that she said tomorrow but I couldn't let her know that I was frustrated. So I nodded with a forced smile.

"Great, how about you go get changed and I'll order some food for us" She said to me and I nodded, kissing her cheek before heading upstairs. At the top of the steps, I ran into my room and pulled out my cellphone. I dialed Elizabeth's number and pressed the phone up to my ear. I waited a few rings and then they stopped.

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