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"Party party party party!!!!!" I rolled my eyes and continued rummaging through my locker looking for my maths book. There was so much of Natalie's stuff in here that I couldn't find anything of mine. I ignored Erin saying "party" over and over. I felt like I was in a haze. My annoyance was getting more pronounced because I swear..we've already had this conversation.

"What fucking party you jerk off?!" Raelynn nearly screeched from annoyance. I turned around, staying quiet as I watched the exchange happen before me. My eyes were slightly narrowed because I knew the name he was about to say.

"Uhhh Michael Taylor's exclusive party, no squeaks allowed. That WE are invited to! That awesome party in a big mansion with all the booze we can imagine!"My eyebrow shot up quickly because I knew he was going to say that. But I stayed quiet. Turning back to my locker just as Raelynn thumped Erin on his nose and he rubbed it with a slight pout.

"Partying with you is a death sentence. And Michael Taylor isn't even old enough to drink"

"His parents are supplying of course" Rae and I looked at each other in disbelief. Erin rolled his eyes and sighed as we began to walk down the corridor.

"His parents are a bunch of ass kissers. They spoil the fuck out of Michael ever since his sister died a few years ago. They give him anything he wants whenever he wants it. Sad she died, but beneficial to him. " Erin explained to us and it made me feel sick...strangely sick. I shook my head trying to erase the weird ass dejavu.

"Hey has anyone seen Nat yet?" I asked and they both shook their heads at me. I pulled out my phone and sent her a text, asking where she was. Maybe she was sick and didn't plan on coming today. Almost immediately I received a text message from her saying to meet her in the 17th Hall. I raised my eyebrows immediately. I looked up at Erin and Raelynn before they walked into class.

"Nat wants me to meet her somewhere. I guess I'll be a little late to class. Say I'm sick or something if asked" I said, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. Raelynn nodded to me and I set off on the short journey to the 17th Hall.

Whatever the case really was, we weren't allowed up here. But that didn't stop students from coming here to smoke, drink, or just to hang out. A lot of the unruly kids called this place home, because no teacher would come here. They figure the kids will learn on their own not to play in an area that's off limits. Or maybe they really just don't care.

I made sure no teacher was around when I skipped up the steps that led to the 17th hall. The air was definitely different up here. It was colder and felt..sadder. But then again..I felt like I had been here before. I don't have any reconciliation of being up here but it looked just like how I had pictured it. It was dark, very dark. There only light was coming from the windows in some of the classrooms like had open doors. There was paper and other miscellaneous items scatter about the floor leading all the way to the back of the hall, where one door sat, locked. I didn't know what was back there. Some of the lights were flickering, most of them didn't work. There was a slight breeze, blowing the trash on the floor around just a little bit. It just looked...dead. And it was eerie. What the hell was Natalie doing up here?

"Nat?" I called quietly, making sure no one could hear me downstairs. But I heard nothing. Raising an eyebrow, I walked just a bit further down, taking very cautious steps. I really didn't want to be up here. Everything in my body was screaming to leave. My heart was racing a little bit more than usual and my palms were clamming up.

"Natalie come on. This isn't funny" I said and heard a couple of steps in one of the rooms a bit further down on the left. My hybrid ears could hear it clear as day. Taking a deep breath, I walked a bit faster, only hearing my own footsteps. I stopped at the room I heard the footsteps in and saw that there was no door. I looked in and the room was completely empty. I felt my stomach drop just a bit. Then I heard laughing coming from behind me and I whipped around quick, just to be met with silence. The laugh sounded like a little girl.

"Natalie I'm fucking leaving and I'm done with this. It's not funny" I snapped and started walking off but then..

"Alexander....."I paused because I heard the whisper ring in my ears and travel down my spine like a snack slithering down my body, enclosing me in a cold blanket. I turned..so slowly it was like I wasn't moving at all. All the doors...had been closed. The lights turned off around me and the only thing I could see was the door at the end of the hall, illuminated by one single flickering light. I could feel eyes on me but I was too...afraid to look around me. Fearing I would be bet with something I wasn't not ready for.

My feet moved on their own as slowly walked down the hallway, my footsteps echoing off the walls. The closer I got...the colder it became. My hands were frozen blocks of ice and shaking like no other. My eyes remained fixated on the door that had a "17" etched in the old oak.

My hand reached up to touch the knob, it was even colder than the temperature. My heart began to raise, not knowing what lie behind this door. I wanted to stop myself but my body wouldn't listen to me. The fear and curiosity were fighting a war within my mind but the curiosity was beating it by split hairs.

I turned the knob and pushed the door open. I did not expect to see..snow?

It was all over the ground and floating around a closet that couldn't have been bigger than a standard closet. I walked in and looked around, seeing that the ceiling was totally black but the snow was falling as if it was the sky itself. The snow crunched and melted beneath my feet as I stepped further into the closet at a slow pace. I then looked forward...my heart dropping onto the floor. I backed up against the now closed door behind me, eyes wide and a gasp falling from my lips.

There sat the ravaged and decomposing body of Andrew Savage.

The walls suddenly began to close on me, moving at an increased speed by the second. I turned and started banging on the door, trying desperately to open the door. To my horror, the doorknob came off the fucking door.

"SOMEONE HELP ME!!!" I screamed, the room kept getting smaller and smaller. My voice sounded tiny and almost inaudible to my ringing ears. With no one coming to help me, I was sure this was the end for me...

Just as the thought crossed my mind, I could feel hands around my neck, stopping the air right in my throat and constricting me further. The grip was as tight as bone. I reached up and grabbed on to the source, feeling a gooey like sensation on my hands. I pull them away long enough to try and scream out. Chunks of flesh and skin were now stuck to my hands as the corpse of Andrew Savage attempted to end me. The darkness was closing in and..


I jolted from a deep sleep screaming at the top of my lungs and into the darkness. I reached up to feel that there were no skeleton hands around my neck, only to an overworking pulse and sweat like raindrops.

My mind slowly came back to reality, my hands still shaking. I looked around my bedroom and heard nothing. No footsteps of anyone checking on me, not even a breath. No Andrew Savage.

Just the rain outside pouring as it always did.

I stood up, walking towards the bathroom, trying to calm myself as I shook away the nightmare. I just needed a drink. That's all.

I flipped on the light and looked up at the mirror.

I backed against the door and gasped immediately.

My shirt was stained with blood


(There was a problem with the original upload so I have to re-upload it. Enjoy my dears)

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