Green Eyed Guardian

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Apparently what happened in the restroom at the museum was not a dream. It in fact happened in real time. They thought it was an earthquake and Joel came rushing into the restroom to check to see if I was hurt. He didn't know that it was me who caused the building to shake. At least he didn't know until I told him. He seems to think I have some hidden power which isn't totally a surprise. My dad always told me I was special in many ways that were yet to manifest themselves. Maybe I had some cool telekinesis or something like that. Or maybe mind reading from when Raelynn touched me. I saw into her mind, felt what she we were one person and not two people with different lives.  Whatever it was, I decided to keep it a secret from my parents because I wasn't sure just yet. Obviously there was something going on inside of me. I was never the one to speak up. I'm always suffer in silence. But I'm not sure how much longer I can keep it to myself. Before I end up causing a mass destruction.

And I surely didn't want to talk about the other side of that. The monster that is waiting to take over and cause chaos. I could feel him. I can feel his thoughts and emotions. He was revenge. But I can't tell on who. That and like many other things about myself, is a mere mystery.

I was glad to be able to walk into school and not be the talk anymore

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I was glad to be able to walk into school and not be the talk anymore. Everyone was still fresh on the whole earthquake thing happening. Not knowing I was basically the cause, which was good. Although, I expected something to come out very soon considering there were people listening when I found out Raelynn recorded Erin and Natalie having sex. That was bound to spread like wildfire. Earthquake who?

Speaking of Raelynn.

She has tried to call and text me multiple times over the past couple days since the incident occurred. I ignored every last one of them. She's even tried to get Joel to talk to me but he wouldn't hear it either. He basically told her to fuck off and leave me alone. Even though I'm the stronger one and the non-human one, Joel was my protector essentially. I never thought, in my wildest dreams that I would lose three close friends back to back and keep the one friend who always stayed in the shadows. He was a gentle soul but I never actually thought of Joel like a brother like I did Raelynn as a sister. But he's been..amazing to me. I felt like I should've given him more attention back then but it seems to me he doesn't mind at all. Joel is just an amazing person who is underrated and is okay with that.

It was a blurry day for me. My classes went by, no incident. No monster. No earthquakes. It was just a quiet day. The last bell for the day rung and it was like music to my ears. I stood up in my seat and gathered all of my books. I noticed one of my books wasn't in my bag. It was my math book that I probably left in math class. Great. Now I have to do more work than I initially wanted to do.

With a sigh, I walked out the classroom and shimmied my way through the whole student body and reached Mrs. Salvatore's classroom. She was sitting at her desk, looking through what looked to be a scrap book. It was dark purple with black roses drawn all over it. It was very pretty and simple. I knocked on the door and she jumped a bit before looking up. I tilted my head and noticed she had tears in her eyes.

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