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Austin's arms were around me so tightly I thought he was going to squeeze my insides out. But I didn't care because nothing but happiness what oozing out of me. I couldn't believe he was here. I remembered that he was the one who stepped up when Dad was taken away from us all those years ago. He risked his life to protect us and I loved him so much. He was like a brother to my dad and was basically another father to me. I didn't realized how much I missed him until I heard his voice. That goofy velvet voice.

"Oh Alexander...I can't believe you're really here!" Austin whispered before pulling back and looking at my face. We were both crying happy tears at this point. I laughed shakily and nodded, holding onto his skinny arms. He had changed just a little. His hair was cut shorter and dyed almost completely black. A brownish black and he had grown a complementing amount of facial hair. But he still had those happy brown eyes and those permanent smile lines.

"When Chris called me last night I couldn't fucking believe it...You don't know how much we've missed you" Austin stroked my tear stained hair away from my face and wiped the droplets away. I felt a sense of guilt because everyone had spent years missing me and yet I only just remembered them 2 days prior. It wasn't fair. 

I couldn't formulate any words, I just hugged him against and his body rumbled with laughter. I have my dad, my mom and I have Austin back. I was getting my life back piece by piece. My old life was being pushed further and further into the darkness of my mind and what was taken from me was being put into the light. I couldn't focus on what was going to happen. I could only focus on what I was feeling now. I was feeling alive.

"Your parents on waiting for you downstairs. I don't wanna keep them waiting if I wanna live beyond today kiddo. Come on" We laughed together and he put his arm around my shoulder, leading me out of my bedroom and towards the grand staircase. I rubbed the sleep and tears out of my eyes as we walked towards the dining room doors. But he stopped me right in front of them and turned to me. I looked up at him in a questioning glance as he placed his hands on my shoulders.

"There's a lot to catch up on. Years and years that should be told and learned. So much..and I think we should start here..." He said before pushing the doors open to the dining room. I turned and nearly jumped out of my skin as a bunch of screaming voices were thrown at me.

"SURPRISE!!!!" I was shocked and confused at the same time taking in the scene that was before me. There were black and red balloons hanging from the ceiling with matching streamers.There was heavy metal music coming from a Bluetooth speaker but it wasn't overly loud. The dining room table cloth was replaced with a cheesy "Happy birthday!" cloth that reminded me of the one birthday party I had with friends. That was when I had turned ten years ago. After that, I didn't have any parties. The table held various trays of food, drinks and candies in glass bowls. The room had brightened lights in place instead of the normal dimmed faux candles. Last but not least was a giant red velvet cake that sat at the edge of the table. And I mean it was giant. The width of it matched the table width to near perfection. In giant cursive letters with bright red icing was written 'Happy Birthday Alexander!"

What really mattered to me was the faces laughing and smiling at my stunned figure. Facing I had remembered but had not seen in years. Ricky, Devin, Angelo, Josh, and Alan were the first faces I had seen. Behind them stood Jayy, Dahvie and Elizabeth with two little children by her side, a girl and a boy. No doubt they were hers. They had that same beautiful but determined face. On the other side was Phil, Aaron and Tino stuffing his face with cupcakes. Mom, Dad. Joel and Dayana stood in the front, closest to me.

My family was here. The people who fought to protect me and never gave up on finding me was here right in front of me. The memories of the people that were taken from me...seemed like they were never gone in the first place.

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