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The shock had yet to wear off even when we were all sat in the living room, I was next to mom while Dayana...my sister was sat next to dad. We just stared at each other, Dayana and I. We were so different yet so much alike. For starters, we both had Dad's facial features for sure. But I did see just a bit of mom in there. That's what gave her the feminine features, which was funny to me. But we were both so different..her eyes had..I don't know. It was an uneasy feeling. They were beautiful purple. So vibrant. But they held..a certain malevolence. I did not like it.

The only sound that could be heard was the clock ticking away above the fire place that had been recently lit. Mom's fingers were running through my hair, combing out what little tangles it had. It felt nice. Gentle and soft. Despite the shock, I was feeling calm. I knew that I was tapping into mom. He was feeling so ecstatic and truly happy that I was here, with him and dad. It trumped any feeling of anxiety or worry. I clung to it.

"I know..this is very different for the both of you..."Dad started off has he touched Dayana's shoulder. She looked away from me for a moment just to look at him. "With you growing up as an only child and Alexander not knowing his true family. Nonetheless, we are together now. And that's all that matters. There is a lot to be done, questions to be answered, and to figure out what's in store for the future" It seemed like he was explaining it more to her rather than me. I mean it's obvious....Mom and dad had another kid. But it must be difficult for her not knowing about me. Or if she did, it wasn't much to go on.

"What do you mean in store for the future?" She asked, looking back and forth between us and dad. Mom sat up straight with grace, moving from my hair to my hand.

"Sebastian, Valek, Tj and Ashley" Beforehand, the name Valek wouldn't have meant anything to me, but I felt like there was more to that name. I couldn't remember it all, but I felt like he was an important person. There was so much I knew but at the same time, I didn't know.

"The evil people...?" She asked and mom nodded. So she did know a little bit.

"Yes...very bad people that will be coming for Alexander very soon love" Dad said softly and I felt mom tighten his grip on my hand. I looked at him and he was already looking at me, his eyes filled with fear and worry. I could feel it radiating off of him and I felt so guilty. I didn't want to bring this baggage on them. They didn't ask for this. And it was very evident that when they did come for me, death would be trailing right behind them. Everyone knew it.

"Then what do we do?" Dayana seemed more annoyed than anything else. I got the feeling she didn't want me here. I didn't need to tap into her to figure that one out. I was a stranger barging into her home, well it was my home too. Before her but still. I could understand why she wouldn't want that. But it still bothered me. I didn't ask to be taken and I surely didn't want to be. I just wanted to be with my family again.

"We do everything we can to protect our family. That's all we can do." Dad explained and she stood up, grabbing her backpack, and walking out of the room towards the stairs.

"Yeah I can think of a few other things we can do.." She muttered under her breath before disappearing together. Mom sighed and shook his head as dad sat back, seeming unbothered by it all.

"That went well.." I whispered and sighed, rubbing my face. There was so much emotion flowing through me ranging from anger to sadness and despair. I was really trying to block it all out at this point. It was becoming too much.

"She just needs time Alexander. As do you. Things will be different. But we are so happy to have you back. No matter what happens after today, next week or next month. We are here now. Together. Dayana will come around. She's just hardheaded, like someone I know" Dad chuckled and got up, sitting next to us and putting his arms around me. Mom smacked his shoulder and glared playfully.

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