A Friend In Me

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"I don't even know how to say it..."I admitted to Joel. We were sitting on one of the stone slabs, cross legged and across from each other. The sky was starting to turn a light pink and grey. It was getting a bit colder out and so I grabbed my jacket out of my backpack and wrapped it around myself like it was a blanket. Joel's sweater seemed to be enough because he didn't so much as shiver. My phone was buzzing every couple minutes in my pocket but I just turned it off.

"Just..say whatever. I just need to know.." He sighed, running a hand through his cropped frosted hair. He looked like he hadn't slept in awhile and rugged. But still managed to look like his handsome self. Joel was always eye candy, despite him wanting to stay in the shadows. 

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes briefly and reopened them. His gaze was warming me up just a little. It wasn't scared or angry, just soft and curious.

"I'm a half human...half vampire" I said and chewed on my lip, watching his reaction. His didn't run, didn't try to fight, didn't really do anything other than raise his eyebrows. He crossed his arms and seemed to be gazing into my soul. Looking for any sign that I was joking or this was all a dream. But he knew what he saw that night. I saw it myself when I looked into that car window. It was not human whatsoever. He had no way of denying it or laughing it off. I wish I could laugh about it. But it just wasn't funny to me. It was reality. He straightened his back out and made a humming noise. The element of surprise was lost and he didn't seem to want to stray so I relaxed myself a bit.

"Does your face...do that a lot?" He finally asked after a long moment of silence. The question actually made me smile and slump over in relief. He really wasn't going to run from me. I ran a hand through my long black locks and shook my head, feeling my cheeks heat up just a bit.

"No actually..that was the first time its ever happened to me. I..don't know whats wrong" I admitted and he nodded, leaning back against the stone wall.

"How long have you been like this?"

"Since I was born actually..my mother was human and my father was a vampire. She was turned after giving birth to me" I explained and he tilted his head in curiosity. He then got up and started grabbing some logs that were sitting in the corner and began to pile them in the middle of the circle of Stonehenge.

"So...vampires are actually real? Like they actually exist?" He pulled a match out of his pocket and sat some newspaper scattered about on top before lighting it. I watched as he started a nice fire, the warmth engulfing me at once. I felt more comfortable knowing I wasn't going to freeze to death out here. Satisfied with the fire, he sat back down across from me.

"Yes. Vampires..witches..werewolves..fairies. Almost anything you can think of exist or have existed. Most have gotten better at hiding it. Obviously it's easier for me because I'm half human. I don't need to blend in as much as the others do" I had no problems answering his questions if it meant that I could finally have someone to talk to on the outside. I didn't have to worry about saying the wrong thing and suffering the consequences from it. This...was so relieving to me.

"That explains why you're always out and about in the daylight. You're not affected by the sun" He concluded and I nodded to confirm it. He seemed more relaxed and more comfortable around me. I think this is the most time Joel and I have ever spent together. Sure he was my friend and I cared deeply but we were both the same type of person. We were quiet and reserved, didn't like to be the center of attention. We had a mutual understanding of each other and we bonded over that. This was different though. For the first time, someone on the outside knows about me. I had griped over telling Raelynn or Natalie for years. Fearing the worst but I couldn't ask for a better feeling.

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