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Although the house had more windows than I was comfortable with, Vinny had led us to a room that was in fact enclosed by faux would panels. It reminded me of my dad's study but this one was more welcoming and light. We were sitting silently for a few moments, Elizabeth and I on the love seat while Joel sat on the arm next to me. Vinny was sitting on his desk, his hands clasped together. For a home as eccentric as his, he was a very quiet and calm man. I could feel it rolling off of him. It felt nice.

"I know there..are some questions you have..I have a feeling I already know what you're going to let me just start off by saying..I apologize to you Alexander.."He looked at me and I blinked in shot. Elizabeth held my hand and squeezed it tightly.

" remember me huh?" I asked Vinny and he nodded sadly, looking down at his hands in what felt like shame.

"I were the case that made me quit.."

"Made you quit? Quit what? Stealing lives from people?" Joel said bluntly and I smacked his thigh.

"Stop it!" I hissed at Joel and he gave me an annoyed look but Vinny held his hand up in surrendering silence.

"No he's right...That is what I did. I have something powerful...something beautiful that was given to me and I used it to do things that were so innocent people" He started off and I could feel it. The guilt..the remorse..and the shame. I could feel it in my heart that he was really redeemed from his actions. So I patted Joel's thigh in comfort and listened to Vinny.

"When they brought you to me...ten years ago..seeing you broke my heart. And at the time, I wasn't aware I had one. You were just this..little child..a special child! You were so scared and so terrified..You begged me to take you home.." He took a moment and closed his eyes. I focused in on him and saw that he had a great deal of pain that he was releasing.

"Sebastian and Ashley they..they had the money. But I knew in my stomach I should've turned them away. But the feeling Sebastian gave me..the chill down my spine. He was a very evil man..I could feel it. And I knew if I were to refuse him, I would face the consequences. They paid me extra to do the job and to keep my mouth shut. I didn't know why at the time..until the moment I touched you" His eyes met mine and there was true terror.

"I saw into your head, into your memories...I saw everything that happened that night in the cave. The way he..stole you from the ones who truly loved you. And after...they kept you locked in a cage, under observation at all times because you had attempted many times to escape..They treated you like some animal. And I saw it all...I felt so evil and vile the moment I took it all away from you. But I also felt like I was doing you a favor. I erased your pain and suffering."

"But on the other side of the coin..I took away what it was like for you to feel the love of parents and family. I was at war with myself and I could never forget your face Alexander. Never. And I was hoping that..that one day you would break from the hell that you were forced into. And all you wanted..was to go home. Those people are very bad people...and I should've done something more" Vinny bowed his head in shame as he finished. I was..horrified by the end of it. I couldn't believe anything I was hearing right now. Not a single fucking word because what kind of people could keep a child locked in a fucking cage?? WHO?

I looked over at Elizabeth who had tears in her eyes and looked just as horrified as me. Joel was speechless at my side. I had heard so many horrible things in the past couple days...but this took the cake by a long shot. This was just so sick..and so damn evil.

But I stood up...on shaky legs and walked over to Vinny. Joel made a sound of protest but I held my hand up to silence him before taking Vinny's hands in mine. He looked up at me with a shocked expression and glossy eyes.

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