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Dayana and I walked back to the house in a comfortable silence. My words cut through the thick tension and melted it away with ease. She was calmer and more soft than the initial meeting we had. She offered me a smile once I held the door opened for her, kissed mom on the cheek and went up to her room with grace. Mom's eyes went wide at our non hostility but I brushed his look away with a smile.

"I see things went well?" He asked and I nodded, giving mom my own kiss on his cheek. His smile was dazzling and his blue eyes were shining. I hummed in response and he ruffled my messy hair before walking off into the living room.

"Your father is in his study. He wanted to see you" Mom said over his shoulder and I gleamed with excitement before racing up the steps. It was so strange to me but I didn't like being away from mom and dad for too long. I wasn't here for very long but that connection was too great. I couldn't imagine ever leaving this place. That wasn't the case to my home back in Leeds, which really doesn't seem like a home anymore. It was a prison.

I slowed my pace down once I got to the door and knocked lightly a few times. There was some movement in the room before someone opened the door. I expected to see my dad but instead I saw Uncle Austin with his huge smile.

"Hey Kiddo" He said as I reached up, locking him in a loving embrace. He chuckled in response, wrapping his lanky arms around me with equal emotion. We pulled away slowly and he side stepped, letting me in the room completely before closing the door behind us. Dad was sat behind his desk and he looked to be stressed. I frowned a little as I sat down in one of the comfy chairs in front of his desk. He didn't seem to notice I was here and was staring off into space.

"Dad..whats wrong?" I asked, breaking him of his trance. He jumped suddenly and looked down at me, offering me a small smile. The air was tense, I could feel it. Austin had sat next to me and crossed his legs.

"Alexander..I need to know everything that happened when you and Elizabeth left Leeds." He said suddenly and I raised an eyebrow in question. I looked at Austin and he nodded to me, encouraging.

"Um...well I told m-m..Ashley that I was staying over Joel's house to study for a project. I left and went over to his house, we waited for Elizabeth and was confront by Tj..." I trailed off as my dad's face turned into a glare and I could feel Austin stiffen at my side. The air grew even more tense.

"Tj..He's alive?" Dad asked in a very hard voice and it had occurred to me that Tj was in fact involved in my kidnapping. I was very reluctant to continue this conversation because in my heart I still cared for Tj. He did horrible things and I understood that from dad's point of view, its unforgivable. But Tj did care for me all those years and watched over me.

"Y-yes" I stuttered and my dad inhaled a very deep breath before sitting back in his chair and crossing his legs. For a brief moment, I saw the resemblance between Sebastian and Chris. Father and son. Both were strong, independent and fierce. But dad had something that Sebastian could never possibly have..and that was love for his son.

"Go on.." He said, softer but still harsh underneath the surface. I sat back and toyed with my long locks.

"Uh he pointed us in the direction of this vampire named Vinny. He has the power to control memories, which is why I didn't remember any of you until recently. He gave my memories back to me" Dad was typing something on his laptop while Austin was listening intently, looking at his feet.

"And then?"

" on the plane and left..that's pretty much it" My voice had grown smaller underneath the intense glare of dad. I knew he wasn't mad at me but I could still feel it. These people really need to learn how to control their emotions. It's giving me a headache. Dad was feeling very worried and....scared? I didn't like him feeling that way..because it scared me too.

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