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The school week passed almost like the speed of light. No one dared to look at me, approach me, talk to me...It was like this monster inside me had shaken everyone to the core and they were afraid that I would snap. At first it was annoying. Only Joel and Raelynn would act normal around me.

But it was kinda cool at the same time. Not having to deal with snarky comments or people giving you weird ass looks. It felt good just to walk down the hallway without feeling like a scared outcast. For once they were afraid of me, not the other way around. I'm not sure if it was really me who liked it or it was the monster who liked it. But it was enough to keep him down for now.

Which was perfect, because today we were taking a school trip to the Leeds Museum. It was a trip we took almost every year. Only the students with the highest grades were allowed to attend. I didn't really care much for the trip itself but it was a way to get out of school. This would be Joel's first time going so he was more excited than I could ever be. Raelynn was indifferent. She saw it as a way out like me. Erin wouldn't be attending because he was stuck in bed healing, good riddance. Natalie, unfortunately would be joining us as well. Thankfully, Mrs. Salvatore was the chaperone and ensure me everything would be fine.

On the bus ride there, I was sitting next to Joel while listening to music. He was reading a book, or at least attempting to. The road was so bumpy at times, I'm surprised the book even stayed in his hands. Raelynn was chatting with Natalie, just trying to keep the peace between us even though there was nothing but intense hatred. Rae wanted to get through to Natalie and make her see the error of her ways. Joel and I felt it was a waste of time. Natalie will do what's best for her and her only. That's just how she is.

As we neared the museum, Mrs. Salvatore stood up and demanded the attention of the bus full of rowdy students. She had a certain leader trait about her. You wanted to listen in other words. I pulled my earbuds out and paused my music as Joel closed his book.

"Alright I know some of you are so excited to be out of the classroom and I assure you, I am too. But let's not lose our heads while we are here. This is a beautiful place of history and rude behavior will not be tolerated. Failure to comply with basic manners and the ability to think before you act will result in a failure for the semester" She warned just as the bus came to a stop.

"I trust you all to stay in groups of three or more. We will meet at around noon for some lunch in the cafe. And the bus will be loading by three pm sharp. You are not children and I will not treat you as such. Be respectful but most of all, have fun" She smiled sweetly as the doors opened and she stepped out into the rare sunlight.  I stood up and shoved my phone into my back pocket before following Joel down the aisle and off the bus. He stretched out his muscular arms and took in the sunlight while I put my hood up to block it out. It was too bright and I couldn't wait to get inside.

"Where are we going first loves?" Raelynn said as she stepped off the bus. I turned to see Natalie giving her a look before walking away to her own friends. She didn't pay any attention to me. I rolled my eyes and shrugged.

"Whatever we find first I guess" Joel answered her and together we walked up the stone steps and entered through the giant doors.

When we learned that there was an art gallery, Joel was immediately begging us to go. I didn't protest but Raelynn wanted to go see the dinosaur exhibit. They got into a childish argument in the middle of the lobby before I had to step in. Since it was Joel's first time, I instructed we go to the art gallery first and then we could hit the dinosaurs. Raelynn wanted to protest so badly but we were already on our way to the elevator. So she stomped along right behind us, pouting because she didn't get her way. I ignored it and so did Joel.

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