Trigger Warning

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"Anything?" Joel asked breathlessly as he got off of his treadmill, breathing heavily after running on it for ten minutes straight. He was sweating profusely and grabbed a towel to control the perspiration. I was sitting across the room from him with my legs crossed and arms folded over my chest, waiting for something to happen. I shook my head and he sighed a little, wiping his forehead and turning the machine off.

"Well I don't know what else to do. This is as fast as my heart rate is going to go" He said as he grabbed a chair and sat down, leaning back and stretching out his legs. We were testing to see what makes me tick. That night, I could hear his heart beating like crazy from chasing me and he was wondering if that played apart in me wanting to attack him. But so far I didn't feel anything. He just smelled sweaty and I didn't like it. I could definitely hear his blood running through his veins like a rushing river. But still, I felt nothing.

"Maybe that's not it Joel. I honestly don't feel any different" He looked up at the ceiling, sighing for a moment. This was not what I was expecting to be doing on a Saturday. Especially considering I had gotten in loads of trouble from the fight with Erin and wasn't allowed back to school until Wednesday. My parents were furious of course. But they were lenient considering what had happened with Natalie. Since he was the one sleeping with her, they played the stern parents on the outside. But was glad I didn't let Erin soil my name. According to Joel, word is that no one plans to fuck with me any time soon. Erin had to go to the hospital to get his ribs checkout. I cracked one of them just by holding him down. I didn't mean to but shit happens I guess. And apparently Natalie was talking about how I was always dangerous and had a temper. Whatever she wants to get sympathy. But I was informed that Raelynn and Joel shut down any rumor she tried to spread. It's amazing about people will turn on you in a second as long as they look good and innocent. Just more problems I'd have to deal with but at least I had a short break.

I had lied and said that I was coming over to Joel's house so that he could keep me updated with school work and stuff. I wasn't going to even think about homework, schoolwork or school in general.

"Have you tried smelling for my blood?" He asked and I laughed a bit, sitting up straight.

"Joel the only smell I can pick up on is your sweat. And there is nothing appealing about it. I promise" He raised his middle finger up at me and I winked at him. He was silent for a moment before a light bulb went off in his head.

"What else happened? Other than you and me. Retrace that night. I know you don't want to but it'll help" He said to me and I sighed with a roll of my eyes. I really preferred not to think of seeing my ex girlfriend and best friend sucking each other's faces off.

"I had a drink. Didn't know what it was but it was strong as hell. I started having the flashes in my head. That's why I needed to leave. And then Natalie and Erin. That's it" Joel was nodding and listening to me intently. He was leaning forward, gazing at me as if he was clinging to every word like a lifeline. I felt my cheeks heating up a bit. Wasn't used to people staring at me.

"What exactly do you mean by flashes?"

"It was like I was in a whole other world. I could see everyone in front of me but then it was like a black and white movie scene. I had seen it before though because I've dreamt of this place many times. It's a cave lined with torches that all led to a stone stage thing in the middle. I almost want to call it a ritual. But this was different. It was like I was actually there, in the cave. But then it all goes back to reality" I explained and he was chewing on his lip.

"And this was after you had the drink?" Joel asked and I nodded.

He thought for a moment before getting up and running off towards the kitchen. I raised an eyebrow and got up, following him. Joel was reaching into the cabinet and he pulled out a giant glass bottle labeled "Bicardi".

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