A Place Called Home

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I could hear them discussing what happened among themselves but I couldn't get out of my head. I was stuck here watching everything replay over and over. The last ten years of my life didn't even seem real to me. None of it was real because it wasn't me. I was living the life of a stranger. Of someone I didn't fucking ask to be. And I was angry inside.

My eyes stayed fixed on the ground as I remembered being taken...how scared and terrified I was being taken to a place I didn't know with people who had tried to hurt my dads. Well mom and dad. He did give birth to me so I'm referring to him as my mother. Kade...how amazing he was. How much he endured to keep me safe and to make sure I had some sense of normalcy. And Chris...Chris made sure I was protected, even if it meant giving himself up. They were amazing people..and they were taken away from me. I remembered Uncle Austin and Alan..they were there for my birth and helped deliver me. Ricky, Ryan, Devin, Angelo...and even Great Grandpa Adam. There faces were all fresh in my mind. Dahvie and Jayy...Elizabeth when she was just a child herself. All the good and amazing moments we shared were crashing down on me. But the bad ones had soon began to take over..

Ashley and Sebastian...they kept me locked in a basement for the first few weeks. Made sure no one could hear me screaming. First it was New York...then it was a private jet across the ocean to Manchester. I tried every way of escape from fighting the guards to pretending to be happy and when they were fooled and distracted, I'd make a run for it. Then came the...cage. It was big enough for me to sit in but that was it. The bars were pure steel and there was no way I could bend nor break them. But I didn't stop trying. Even when my hands were red and pulsing. The hours had ticked by and before I knew it, I was right here in this house. The last thing I remember was Vinny touching me. That's where my old life ended...and my new one began.

My new life wasn't a walk in the park either. I could remember the moments of me snapping and going crazy, demanding to be taken back to Chris and Kade. My vampire face...has happened throughout my childhood. I thought that night with Erin and Natalie was the first time but it wasn't. I remember attacking people in cold blood and losing control. But I was stopped before I could taste the blood I had spilled. I had a long history of losing it and it was scary. The thing is, it wasn't me. It was the thing inside of me. He was right when he said he was with me always because he has always been there. He was the part of me that was still with Chris and Kade. No matter what, he couldn't be erased from me. I saw him as a monster but he wasn't..he was protecting me. My subconscious was trying to protect me and break free from the mental prison Vinny had the keys to unlocking.

"He hasn't spoken a word for the past hour Vinny!" I could heard Elizabeth growling. Joel had put an arm around me and pulled me close, a feeble attempt to comfort me as I dealt with myself.

"I warned you of the side effects Elizabeth Rose..."He spoke softly and sympathetically. "He has had a lot taken from him and it will take time for him to fully recover."

"How long?" Joel asked quietly.

"Hours, days.. even weeks. Mental trauma is not something to be messed with" I knew I had to snap myself out of this. I had to get back into my right mind long enough for me to go home to my family. I missed them so much. I needed to be with them because I had enough sanity left in me to know that being with them will help me. I just had to pull myself together and be stronger than what they broke me down to be. I'm better than this and I'm better than them. They can't beat me..I won't let it happen.

"We won't let it happen Alexander..." He whispered to me and I could feel myself grinning. I quickly wiped it away and took a deep breath before looking up. Vinny made eye contact with me and his went wide for a moment. He seemed to be afraid me and honestly, I don't blame him. I did try to choke him.

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