Arcade Dreams

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I lounged around the house all day, watching TV in the media room trying to ignore the fact that 8 o'clock was nearing faster than I had anticipated. Mom and Dad had went out to get some groceries, Dayana was staying over a friends house. Joel hasn't been around since breakfast which was weird. How he managed to stay hidden from me was amazing. Once I decided that it was close enough, I zoomed up the steps to prepare for whatever the night awaited. Needless to say, the excitement couldn't be contained within myself. I brushed my teeth like a maniac, making sure there was no stains or traces of bad breath. I was practically bouncing off the walls as I took another shower and was straightening my hair until it was like a blade. I made sure there was no frizz before turning to my closet and gazing over the various choices of black. It ranged from super fancy tux to pajamas with holes in them. I didn't even know what was going on. I just knew that I was meeting Joel outside. He didn't even leave so much as a hint of what was going on. Joel definitely wasn't the fancy type so a wine and dine date was out of the question. I ignored anything that was luxurious and tried to find something nice but not too nice. Maybe a dress shirt with some nice pants.

Then I realized that I was just being too much. It was Joel, not the President Of The United States. He liked me when I dressed like a homeless bum on the corner, I think he'll like me when I'm just being me.

I grabbed a Wage War t shirt and slipped it on before pulling on my jeans. I peaked over at the clock and saw it slowly ticking towards five minutes before 8 o'clock. I pulled my shoes on and laced them up. I made sure my hair was still fine one more time before grabbing my jacket and phone, heading out the door and making sure my light was turned off. Skipping down the steps, the house was still relatively vacant, maybe I shuffle here in there as everyone else settled into the evening. The downstairs was the most quiet so me opening the door sounded like a metal gate being opened after years of rot. I winced just a little before stepping out into the crisp night, the air chilling over my face. I made sure to lock the door before slipping on my jacket and walking over to the fountain where strangely enough, Joel was not there. I looked around, slightly confused and looked at the time. It was a few minutes past eight.

Sitting down on the marble, I looked around for any sign of Joel but found nothing. Maybe he forgot or changed his mind.

I frowned a little at the thought but the glare of headlights coming up the long driveway erased any doubt. I stood and turned, blocking out the light enough to see that Joel was sitting in the drivers seat of a sleek red Rolls Royce Phantom. Next to him was a pink dreaded haired Devin looking annoyed. I chuckled a little bit with a raised eyebrow. The car came to a stop and the headlights were immediately ceased. My vision adjusted slowly as Joel got out of the car.

"Nice ride. Is it yours?" I complimented as he came over to me and pulled me into a hug. With a laugh, I snuggled into his strong arms and inhaled his delicious vanilla scent. I could feel his heart race increase and the scent of his blood began to take over my senses. But I kept the monster at bay, no matter how good he smelled. Joel was not my prey.

"Of course it is!"

"I think not" Devin said as he got out the passenger seat and slammed the door. Joel pulled away from me but kept his arms secured around me. I smiled at Devin who shot me a wink.

"Okay so I'm borrowing it for the night while Devin here chaperones us" Joel grimaced and it was Devin's turn to smile. I looked at them both in question.

"Chaperones us? For what???" Joel shushed me with a quick kiss on the lips before taking my hand and pulling me towards the car, opening the back seat door for me.

"It's a surprise" Was his only reply. It annoyed me but I didn't argue with him. Instead I slipped in the backseat and he closed the door before getting in on the other side, sliding beside me. Devin was already behind the wheel, restarting the car and circling around the fountain. The mansion behind us was getting smaller and smaller, before disappearing all together.

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