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I didn't tell my mom or dad about the bloodied shirt the next day. Or the dream. I usually tell my mom everything about my dreams. But I just couldn't tell her. 

I took the shirt to the lake near Stonehenge, burned it and spread the pieces around like Hansel and Gretel on crack with the white pebbles. No way in hell anyone could find it. I didn't know who's blood it was and it terrified me. I don't even remember falling asleep. All I remember is feeling really tired after dinner. I went upstairs to my room and then nothing.

That was two days ago. I dumped my shirt yesterday morning and this morning I was silent as a mouse. Barely said a word to my mom at breakfast. She asked me what was wrong and I said that I wasn't feeling well. I didn't get sick often. Almost barely. But something I would get headaches and sore throats. But my vampirism would fight it off within hours. So she didn't worry at all. She gave me some tea to help and had to leave to run some errands. I was glad she didn't ask any further because I had no answers. 

Was I getting so messed up that I'm starting to black out? 

I wanted to talk to Mrs. White. But what was I to say? 'Hey I'm waking up with blood on me and have no memory of the night before. Can you help?'. She would call the authorities on me in seconds. I couldn't talk to my dad. I couldn't talk to Natalie, Raelynn, Joel or Erin. They knew nothing of me past I'm a 17 year old boy with a normal life. I couldn't talk to Tj because he would just flap his lips to my parents. I had no one. Nothing. And I was hurt. 

I ignored the whole incident and made my way to school, trying to seem as normal as possible. When I got there, I saw Joel sitting on the fountain, reading a book. He was alone. I didn't see Nat or Rae. They were probably doing girl stuff in the bathroom. I sighed a bit and went to sit next to Joel. He jumped a bit but smiled at me, closing his book. 

"Alexander. How was your weekend?" He asked me and I smiled a very hard smile, hoping he wouldn't notice.

"Eh boring. Didn't really leave the house all that much. You?" I said and he shrugged, shoving his book in his bag.

"Same really. Went to visit my mom on Saturday. She's...different" He said and looked down at his feet. Joel's parents were divorced and he lived with his dad for the most part. They didn't have much of a relationship. The only reason why Joel lives with his dad is because his mother is a drug addict. If she didn't have so many problems, he would be with her. But it got too dangerous after someone tried to break in their house and steal a bunch of valuables because his mom didn't pay her dealer. Courts ordered Joel to live with his father until he was finished with school. 

"What do you mean different?" 

"She seems..happier. Without me around..I know it's weird to say that. But when I went to see her, she had a new boyfriend and was 6 months pregnant. She didn't even introduce me to her new love at first. He only knew we were related because we look a like. Other than that, she spent more time with him than me. It's like..she's trying to start over and erase her past." He explained to me and I frowned before wrapping my arm around his big shoulders. 

"Well if it's any consolation, I wouldn't erase you." I said quietly and he looked at me, smiling wider before nudging me. He messed up my hair before standing up. I always felt so tiny around him. He was just a big muscled guy all around and it made me feel insecure sometimes. I'm lazy as hell. I did not like any sports or movement in general. Joel worked out for fun. 

"Come on before we're late my child" He said and I rolled my eyes, standing up and following him. 

"Hey are you coming to the party this friday?" I asked Joel and he shrugged.

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