Blood Warden

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For a moment I did opt to miss another day of school. Just to actually prepare myself for the shit storm awaiting for me. Mrs. Salvatore had called again and asked if I was okay. My mother gave the excuse that I was recovering from a cold and said that I would be in today since I was feeling much better. I wanted to throw a pillow at her but the damaged had already been done. I had to go back. 

The game plan was to make as little eye contact as possible, sit away from my normal seat and be as invisible as possible. I didn't know how many people knew about this but I can guarantee that more than what I wanted knew about it. It was going to be a day in hell. That's for sure. 

My mom made sure that I was up and showered before she made me some breakfast. It was just eggs and bacon. She was on the phone with someone when I came downstairs. She sat the plate in front of me while she poured herself a cup of O'negative, the phone tucked between her shoulder and ear. Seeing the blood fall into the cup, my mind flashed back to the night, where I nearly attacked Joel. Right now, I didn't feel anything. But I could not forget that terrible pain of hunger strike me. It was almost impossible to resist. But somehow I managed to resist it enough to run away. I just hoped nothing like that happened today. Because I already had enough to deal with.

I finished my food and kissed my mother on her cheek. She gave me a smile before returning to her phone conversation. I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder, heading towards the door. Just as I was, there was a knock. I raised an eyebrow and opened the door, seeing that it was Raelynn standing there. Her blond hair in two bun pigtails and red lipstick blinding us all. Her eyes went wide for a moment before pulling me in a tight hug. I stood there motionless a few seconds and then hugged her back.

"Jesus Alexander I thought you died!" She gasped and hugged me tighter. I laughed a bit before pulling away from her embrace. Not dead, just not feeling quite alive.

"Not dead yet. What brings you here?" I asked her as I turned around and locked the front door. We began our walk to school like it was any other normal day. I shoved my hands in my pockets and let my hair fall in my face. It was past my shoulders so there was no way to stop it anyway.

"Just wanted to come see you. Haven't seen you since" She chose her words carefully. I shrugged and looked up, the grey skies blinding me just a bit. Haven't been outside for awhile so my eyes were still adjusting.

"Just needed some time alone. That's all" I answered and she nudged me.

"Well everyone missed you. Even Mrs. Salvatore was asking about you"

"She was?"

"Yeah it was kinda weird. She was acting as if you had been killed or something. I guess now that you're coming back, she can settle down" I looked at her and she shrugged. That was weird but she did seem like the very caring type. At least someone else cared in this world. Lord knows I'm running out of those by the second.

I left the conversation at Mrs. Salvatore being weird because I knew where the conversation was going to go. I wanted to ignore the whole Natalie and Erin situation completely. There was nothing to be said or done. She was caught having sex with my best friend. End of story. Could I forgive her? No. Never. Erin was like my brother and I treated him as such. Natalie was the queen of my world and I treated her like one. And they both took a knife and jabbed it into my back. There was nothing more I could say about it. I'm hurt. That's it.

When we arrived, I did not see Joel, Natalie Or Erin in sight. It was a new world. One day, we were sitting by the fountain, avoiding the water spraying out like missiles, talking about our families and what new rumors were going around the school. Now it was like we were complete and total strangers that never new each other.

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