Chapter 23: Ansely Dove Kingston

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The tiny baby in my arms looked so fragile and innocent as she looked up at me with her bright blue eyes. When she grabbed my finger with hers, my heart warmed. God she's too innocent for this cruel world. The flames of cruelty and hate will burn her innocence to the touch. Although people will tell you its a bad thing to be unkowing of evil in the world, sometimes it's good to be naive, to not know the cruelty this world possesses. To have no idea of what goes on outside the bubble you accumulated yourself in. Discrimination will swallow you like a black hole. Trust me, facing reality is one of the hardest things you'll ever have to do. To look in the mirror, and tell yourself it's time to grow up. This baby will have to learn the hard way that you will not always stay innocent.
"Hey baby, it'll be okay," Jake reassured me when he saw the tears filling in my eyes.
"They're gonna kill her."
"Who?" He looked at me in confusion.
I looked into his soft chocolate brown eyes, "the world, reality. It'll swallow her whole, take every bit of innocence she has. It pains me that one day this innocent little baby will learn that the world is not all unicorns and rainbows."
"The world will only swallow her if she allows it to, Ansely will be a good kid. She's a Kingston for Christ's sakes."
"I know Jake, but it's just so scary. Both Ansely and Brynn will grow up and they won't be little girls forever. They'll realize that the world isn't at all how Disney movies portray it."
He intertwined our fingers and smiled, "Relax Brooklyn, we might not be able to keep them little forever, but we sure as hell   help them grow up to be beautiful and kind."
A smile crossed my features, "I love you Jake."
"I love you too baby."
Jake deserved a family that love him with all his faults, just like did. I tried to build walls around my heart to prevent anyone else from breaking it, but Jake set a fire to the protective walls and burned them down. Falling so hard for him like I did was scary, but I honesty don't regret it. Yeah I got pregnant in senior year but I don't regret it because it was Jake's. Even when we're broken up, I knew he'd be there for the baby because he wanted to be the best father he could. He wanted to be there for his daughter, give her the unconditional love he never got from Jason and Katie. I admired the fatherly part of part of him. I knew he would take a bullet for his family with no hesitation. Brynn is extremely lucky to have him as her father. Knowing exactly what Jason and Katie would do if they found out Jake had younger siblings, I never told them about my pregnancy with Brynn. The depths of hell itself was not going to make me tell those heartless monsters they had a granddaughter. In my opinion, she already had grandparents on Jake's side, biological or not, they were her grandparents. I looked down at the baby below me, and silently thanked God that her parents love her.
I already chose Lucas and Savannah to be Godparents; both of them couldn't wait till they got part responsibility of Brynn.
"I can't wait till Brooklyn comes out, and when we have other kids running around the house," Jake blurted; snapping me out of my thoughts.
I laughed, "calm down Kingston, this one isn't even out yet and you're already excited."
"I can't help it," he smirked playfully, "I want everything with you baby. I want marriage and kids with you, not just Brynn. I want you to be the person my kids call mom, pick them up when they fall, and read them a bedtime story before they go to sleep.
My eyes widened slightly, Is he proposing?
"Get some sleep baby," he grinned; giving Ansely to his mom.
"Jake, you can't just mention wedding and more kids then expect me to go to sleep," I complained.
He chuckled lightly, "Brooklyn, calm down. I'm not proposing just yet, but I do want everything with you. I love you more than myself and I vow to always protect you and our future children. I do plan on marrying you one day baby."
My heart fluttered at his words. Of course I want to marry him one day; he's the only one I see myself with. I just want to get settled in with Brookyln first.
"Brooklyn, I want you to move in with me after Brynn's born," he says abruptly. Right when I was about to fall asleep, he says this?! Come on Jake!
"She's our baby Brooklyn. I want to be able to help in any way I can. Dad bought me a house that I'm moving in to after graduation, and I want you to as well. I want you, me, and Brynn in the same roof. Don't give me any crappy excuses because I know you have none," he interrupts when I was about to open up my mouth to protest, "I want our family to be together."
Family, a word I never hear come out of Jake's mouth. I was beyond happy that he wants to be there for Brynn and I, but was I ready?
It's Jake, what do you have to worry about, my conscience cuts in.
"Okay," I nod. Letting sleep consume me, I shut my eyes.

Are you enjoying Ansely? It's always good to have a little bit of innocence to balance out the cruelty in this dark world we live in where neighbors that knew each other for years betray each other and people think it's okay to discriminate others. It's too bad we can't keep them pure for ever, trust me. Anyway, enough of my ranting, who's ready for 24?! 😉💞

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