What the hey?

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*Lucas walks into his office for the first time in a year. The room is a lavish place with shelves of books everywhere, it's decorated, there is a nice carpet, a Christmas tree, and a fireplace with a crackling fire. And a boxer dog with a Santa hat on in a dog bed. He gets up and greets Lucas*

Lucas: Santa Paws! *gets down and gives him many pets* Did you miss me buddy? I know. I've been gone for a while. *the dog starts sniffing him* I know I smell like other dog. You can blame Connor for that. *goes over to his desk and gets to work* Alright let's see what we have here—


*Silent Bob's head goes through the door.*


Silent Bob: *surprised to see Lucas*

And so...

The task force is surrounding Jay and Silent Bob.

Connor: What are you two doing here?

Jay: Well, fat ace...I mean ace...why can't I swear?

Lucas: Christmas magic doesn't allow swearing in the town.

Jay: Well what the fork ain't that a load of shirts. Anyway, so our friend Luis knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy named Joe who infiltrated this place and discovered we were on the naughty list so we came to change that.

Lucas: Even though it's unhackable.

Jay: Well shirts. Wish we knew that before we got here. What are we even doing on there?

Lucas:  You guys are drug dealers. Why wouldn't you be on there.

Jay: Aw come on a man's gotta make a living!

Lucas: You gave marijuana to the Scooby Doo gang.

Jay: I thought that was just a dream.

Lucas: Nope. And then you stole a monkey.

Jay: We were tricked into that!

Lucas: And you also punched a bunch of kids who said that your movie Bluntman and Chronic sucked.

Jay: Ok...well how are YOU Santa?

Lucas: Long story.

Jay: Well c'mon isn't there anything we can do to change your mind?

Lucas: I'll tell you what. Let's make a deal. You guys stay here and help out with everything, and MAYBE you'll find something under the tree this Christmas.

Jay: Alright! Snootchie bootchies! *High fives Silent Bob*

Lucas: Well, welcome to the team.

Jay: Thanks Lucas! You won't regret it!

Lucas: *groan* I already am.

The What Happens When Fanboys and Death Note Mix Christmas SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now