We're Adults!

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Connor: *is telling Leia a bedtime story but is super tired*

Leia: Daddy are you ok?

Connor: Yeah. I'm just tired sweetie. So then the brave Knight climbed up the— *blacks out*

Connor: *wakes up, vision is blurry. He is in a cart and sees a figure.*

Figure: Hey you. You're finally awake.

Connor: Uh oh.

Figure: You were trying to cross the border right?

Connor: WAIT AM I

*Figure is Lucas, the rest of the tf is there too.*

Lucas: Ha ha! Just kidding. You blacked out last night. We're headed to the mountain for some Coca-Cola from the polar bears.

Connor: Oh.

Lucas: Also check out this crystal ball out I have! It tells the future.

Connor: Sweet! *Peers into it. This is what he sees...*

*It is thirteen years into the future. Connor is in the kitchen, and Leia, now a teenager, walks in*

Leia: Hey Dad?

Connor: Yes Leia?

Leia: I've got a question.

Connor: What is it Leia?

Leia: So, human pregnancy lasts nine months right?

Connor: ...right...

Leia: And I was born in August, right?

Connor: ...right...

Leia: So that means you failed No Nut November.

Connor: !!! Leia?

Leia: Yes?

Connor: You're grounded.

*Crystal ball stops, everyone looks over at Connor*

Connor: What?

Lucas: I can't believe I never realized it.

Connor: Oh please! Once you get married, there's no such thing as No Nut November.

Light: You and Rey weren't married yet at the ti—

Connor: SHUT UP KIRA! *Stabs Light with a screwdriver*

Connor: Look, it doesn't matter, we don't have to let some internet meme tell us when to do stuff like that, we can do what we want, we're adults!

Rey: Yes, we're adults! That's why we wear Looney Tunes character onesies to bed every night!

Connor: Yeah!

Light: Forking furries.

Lucas: Bugs Bunny onesie is not a furry thing Light. Hell I would wear one!

Light: Yeah except for you it'd be more like Big Chungus.

Lucas: Naughty list.

Light: ...and there's nothing wrong with that!

Connor: sigh...I wish I was still unconscious.

The What Happens When Fanboys and Death Note Mix Christmas SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now