Ground Rules

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*L is carrying a tall pile of Christmas*

Lucas: Need a little help?

L: No thank you Lucas, I have it.

Lucas: Alright then. Be careful.

L: Thank you I wi—OOF!

Jay: *runs through L knocking everything down* AAAAAAAAA!!!!! *Buckbeak, Connor and his family's German Shepherd dog, is chasing Jay.* HOLY SHIRTS!

Lucas: What's going on here?

Jay: That mutt is going all attack dog on me because he sniffed out my weed!

Lucas: *sigh* Alright that's it. Get Bob. We're gonna need to lay some ground rules.

*And so*

*Jay and Silent Bob are with Lucas in his office*

Lucas: First off, there will be no drugs of any kind. That goes for dealing drugs.

Jay: Aw what the fork? No weed?

Lucas: Being drug dealers is one of the things that got you on the naughty list in the first place!

Jay: Fair point.

Lucas: I don't want you guys trying to break into the list. I told you, it's unhackable.

Jay: Fine.

Lucas: Just no mischief.

Jay: Can I at least do this trick Brodie taught me if I don't like someone? So, you take your hand, and you stick it WAYYYY up your—

Lucas: Absolutely not!

Jay: Awwwww...

Lucas: Look. I'm doing you guys a favor by letting you earn a spot on the nice list. Don't abuse it. Understand?

Jay: Scouts' honor! *Jay and Silent Bob salute*

Lucas: I know for a fact you guys aren't scouts.

Jay: Ya got us.

Lucas: Get back to work.

*Jay and Silent Bob leave*

Lucas: sigh...what have I gotten myself into?

The What Happens When Fanboys and Death Note Mix Christmas SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now