Moose Jaws

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Connor: *quickly whips out his phone and calls Lucas* C'mon pick up...Lucas, you need to evacuate the entire town now! Everyone is in danger, Moose Jaws is headed right for the village! Get everyone out! *Hangs up*

Connor: Good thing this mountain is still on a slope. *They start snowboarding down the hill again*

Jay: *pulls out his rifle* I think I found a weak spot! *Shoots at Moose Jaws right in the chestnuts*

Moose Jaws: *roars and runs faster*

Everyone: *glares at Jay*

Jay: Oops. Guess I made him madder.

Connor: YA THINK?

L: He is almost to town!

Connor: Everyone, fire! *Shoots at Moose Jaws*

Light: *shoots, hitting Moose Jaws in the side*

L: *shoots, hitting him in the stomach*

Jay: *shoots, hitting him in the other side*

Holly: *shoots, hitting him in the rear*

Connor: *trips and goes flying and crashes. Moose Jaws is about to eat him when—*

Ravage: *jumps in front of Connor and aims his gun* You son of a—*shoots Moose Jaws right between the eyes. He stops, and collapses to the ground like an AT-AT, finally dead.*

Connor: You saved me?

Ravage: *helps Connor up* Hey. When I was with my gang, we had one rule and that was that we were a team. You said it yourself that we're a team right now. Plus I owe ya for when you saved me.

Jay: We got him!

Everyone: *cheers*

*Rustling is heard from the corpse of Moose Jaws.*

Light: What the fork?

*Silent Bob climbs out of Moose Jaws's mouth, covered in slime and fish and whatever the heck Moose Jaws has eaten.*

Silent Bob: You do NOT want to go in there.

Everyone: SILENT BOB!

Silent Bob: *smiles*

Jay: *Tackles him* YOU'RE ALIVE! But wooo you smell awful!

Silent Bob: *rolls his eyes and and smiles*

And so

*Lucas and Connor have the sunglasses on and Lucas is about to neuralize Ravage*

Ravage: So this is it.

Lucas: Yep. Sorry Ravage but you've been naughty. Think of this as a second chance.

Connor: Wait a minute, Lucas. Maybe he doesn't need to be neuralized to get a second chance. Not only did he save me, not only did he save the whole team but he saved the entire village. That was some crazy heroics back there.

Lucas: What are you saying?

Connor: I'm saying people change. So whadaya say?

Lucas: ...

Ravage: ...

Lucas: Very well. But understand, Ravage, this isn't chiseled in stone. One wrong move and you're neuralized.

Ravage: I understand, Santa.

Lucas: Now, there's an opening at the cocoa bar if you're interested.

Ravage: Thanks Santa. And thank YOU Connor. You're alright. *Fist bumps him and walks out the door*

Connor: Man, that wiped me out. I'm exhausted.

Lucas: Yeah I'd imagine what with a killer moose and a—

Connor: *is fast asleep in a chair.*

Lucas: *smiles and tiptoes out*

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