What to do about those two?

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Lucas: *is hard at work at his desk when Happy walks in*

Happy: Sir, we have a situation?

Lucas: What'd Jay and Silent Bob do now?

Happy: Accidentally knocked down a stack of Jack in the Boxes.

Lucas: OOOH! Those two! Sometimes they just make so—grrrr!!!

Happy: We'll get it taken care of.

Lucas: Please do. And then send those two nincompoops in.

Happy: Yes sir. *Walks away as Wonder Woman walks in, she is in her Mrs. Claus robes*

Wonder Woman: Is everything alright?

Lucas: Yeah babe. *Has a Stern look on his face*

Wonder Woman: I know that look. What's wrong?

Lucas: Jay and Silent Bob have been causing so much problems! I know they don't mean it but...OOOOOOO!!! 😤

Wonder Woman: At least they haven't causes too many delays.

Lucas: ...yet.

Wonder Woman: *places a hand on Lucas's shoulder* Calm down. It's going to be alright.

Lucas: *takes her hand* I'll admit, when they're working, they're doing great! Especially Silent Bob, he's like freaking MacGyver. But they're like two Goofys. Sigh...you might wanna leave. They're coming in soon and it might get ugly.

Wonder Woman: Alright. Don't go too hard on them.

Lucas: I won't.

Wonder Woman: *kisses Lucas on the cheek and leaves*

*Jay and Silent Bob walk in*

Jay: Yo you wanted to see us boss?

Lucas: Yes. Close the door.

Silent Bob: *closes the door*

*Outside the office, Connor and Leia walk by, they can hear what's going on in there*

Lucas: *muffled and faintly* What the forking heck you two crazy dumbbats keep frazzling everything up and—

Connor: *covers Leia's ears and they keep walking*

The What Happens When Fanboys and Death Note Mix Christmas SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now