Silent and Sneaky

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Light: *supposed to be painting wooden trains but is just sitting there.*

Lucas: What's wrong Light?

Light: I'll tell you what's wrong! You've got all your friends doing this ridiculous slave work making toys for a bunch of ungrateful brats who don't say thank you in return or anything!

Lucas: Naughty list.

Light: And I wouldn't have it any other way! *starts frantically painting*

Lucas: And besides Light. I don't do it to get anything in return. I don't expect a thank you from anyone. Although I did get a thank you from one kid. He said if I ever need anything just call him. Who knows. Maybe if he grows up to be a lawyer or something and the workshop is bought by an evil landlord I might take him up on that.

Light: um...yeah.

*Jay and Holly walk in holding hands*

Jay: *to Silent Bob* Dude Holly and I are a thing now! Thank Santa for mistletoe!

Silent Bob: *high fives Jay*

Light: Yeah right. What a load of—

Lucas: Naughty list.

Light: —I mean, awwww that's wonderful! Seriously tho never thought I'd see the day.

Silent Bob: *walks over grinning*

Light: What are you smiling about?

Silent Bob: *makes a bunch of hand signs*

Light: You mean you hung a mistletoe outside in their path, knowing that they'd stop there and end up kissing?

Silent Bob: *grins and nods*

Lucas: You sneaky son of a gun.

Light: Wait a minute. How was he able to know exactly where they'd stop, or that they'd even go down that specific path or—

Lucas: Light, just be happy for them.

Light: Ok.

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