Christmas Part 2

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*Task Force is on the sleigh speeding through the sky. Everyone has a Santa hat on, Lucas has the full suit*

Lucas: Ok its time for our first neighborhood!

*The sleigh lands on a rooftop*

Lucas: Ok, so does everyone have the jetpacks?

*Everyone nods*

Lucas: Good. I'll go this way, you guys go that way, let's meet back up in an hour.

*They all split up*

Connor: *is with Rey and Leia* Ok let's do this one. I'll handle Leia.

Rey: Alright. *Jumps down the chimney with the bag of gifts*

Connor: Alright, you ready Leia?

Leia: No, daddy. I'm scared of the jump.

Connor: Don't worry. I'll hold on to you. *Picks her up* I would never let anything happen to you sweetie.

Leia: I'm still scared daddy.

Connor: Just close your eyes and hold on tight.

Leia: Ok. *Shuts her eyes and squeezes Connor really tight.*

Connor: Ready? One...two...three! *Jumps down the chimney with Leia holding tight*

*They are in the house.*

Connor: *whispers* Let's do this.


*Light and L are on top of a roof*

Light: Why can't we just drop all these off at the post office or something?

L: Do you ever not think about yourself?

Light: Of course not. I'm beautiful.

L: Light, I do not normally lose my cool, but sometimes, *gets angry* I JUST WANT TO STRANGLE YOU!

Light: EEP! Hey so where's Elmira and Chris?

L: Back at the sleigh. Lucas let Elmira stay there since she just had a baby.

Light: Ohhhh.

L: Come on, let's deliver these presents. *They jump down the chimney*


*Jay and Silent Bob peer down the chimney*

Jay: *gulp* Looks like a long way down. *Looks over at Bob*

Jay: You go first, Skinnybones. At least now you'll actually fit down there.

Silent Bob: *rolls his eyes and jumps down.*

Jay: *tries to leave* Not making that ju—WOAH!

*Silent Bob climbs back up the chimney and pulls Jay down*


*Lucas, Wonder Woman and Holly have just finished a house*

Lucas: So you're staying with Jay and Silent Bob now?

Holly: Sure am, Santa.

Lucas: Call me Lucas. My friends call me that.

Holly: Ok Lucas.

Lucas: So I heard you got Jay to quit weed.

Holly: Yeah!

Lucas: Well that's good! He cares about you a lot.

Holly: :)

Lucas: Well I'm glad he's got you to keep him in check. *Pats her on the shoulder* Let's move on.

*They run to another house.*

And so

*Everyone meets back up after an hour*

Lucas: Alright. Next neighborhood.

*After they've delivered the presents all over the world, they hit Hollywood, where almost every celebrity gets an Oscar in their stocking*

Lucas: *is on top of Harvey Weinstein's house, he has a giant machine aimed down the chimney*

Lucas: *calls up to Connor, who is in charge of the machine* Ok Connor! Let 'er rip!

*The machine pours coal down the chimney. There's so much that it starts pouring out the windows and the door and the chimney*

Lucas: Alright, let's get Kevin Spacey's now!

And so...

Lucas: Alright everyone, let's head to our HQ!

*The sleigh takes off into the sky*

Lucas: *yells down to the world* MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT!

*And so, they land at the task force's volcano HQ and head in.*

Lucas: *to the reindeer.* You guys did good this year, as usual. And great job on your first delivery, Rudolph!

Rudolph: Thanks Santa!

Donner: Sir I must say I'm a little surprised you didn't feel that his nose wasn't a problem.

Lucas: Why would it be a problem? It's awesome! It's a nose that lights up! What's problematic about that?

Donner: That he's different?

Lucas: So? Different is awesome!

Donner: *thinking* He's taking my son's nose a lot better than I thought he would

Lucas: Well guys, it was a great delivery this year. I'll see you all next year. Merry Christmas!

Reindeer: Merry Christmas sir! *They fly away*

*As the sun comes up, Lucas starts to head back inside. He looks over and sees the sleigh has turned back into his car. He smiles*

Lucas: *walks inside. He hangs up his red suit. He looks in the mirror and sees that his hair and beard is back to being red. He smiles and walks into the living room, where there is an elaborately decorated tree with tons of presents.*

Lucas: I made an early little stop a while ago. There's something there for everybody.

*He starts hanging out the gifts. Afterwards, before they start opening, Lucas walks over to Leia.*

Lucas: So Leia. Did you have a good time at the North Pole?

Leia: Yes!!!

Lucas: Good! I'm glad to hear that.

Leia: And I can't believe you're Santa Claus Uncle Lucas!

Lucas: *chuckles* Pretty cool huh?

Leia: It's awesome!

Lucas: Well, I hope you like your presents. Merry Christmas, Leia.

Leia: *hugs Lucas* Merry Christmas Uncle Lucas!

*They open their gifts*


*Everyone is having a Christmas brunch feast*

Jay: Man, this is the best Christmas ever! We found that Santa is real, we helped him, I fell in love, quit smoking weed, lunchbox lost a bunch of weight, this is awesome!

Lucas: Merry Christmas, guys!

Silent Bob: And God bless us, everyone!

And that's what happens when fanboys and Death Note celebrate Christmas!


The task force will return.

Connor, Rey and Leia will return.

Jay and Silent Bob will return in Jay and Silent Bob Present Tales From The Secret Stash

The What Happens When Fanboys and Death Note Mix Christmas SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now