Part 1 ~ Isobel

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The Wolfswood was always beautiful in the summer, then again it had been summer for nine years now. In this part, the Ironwood trees were very dense with only a couple of meters between them. They were so tall when I was little I used to think they touched the clouds. They let only a few bright rays of sunshine through at a time, creating beautiful clearings where wild flowers bloomed, rivers flowed and animals gathered. I hid in the hollow trunk of an enormous tree, breathing in the sweet smell of the leaves and the dirt. Mother would not be pleased when we returned back to Ironwrath covered in mud.

Recently, this had been my only escape. My brothers constantly fought over who was the alpha male. I know Asher only does it to taunt and torment Rodrick, who is always so serious now that he understands he's to be Lord of Ironwrath some day. He is preparing for his marriage, to whom yet he doesn't know, but he will accept whoever my father picks for him. On his next name day he will be ten and nine years old, some consider this late for marriage, but my father wishes to make the right match for our House.

I know my twin Asher as if he is me, sometime I know him too well and catch the odd hand maiden or culinary maid sneaking out his chambers. You wouldn't think we were twins, mainly because he behaves around age seven instead of ten and seven. Prim is only ten and four, recently flowered and does nothing but follow me around Ironwrath, telling me stories and fantasising about the knight she will marry one day. If only life were that simple. Young Ryon is turning six, he is spoiled by his siblings who each love him with all there heart, however this has turned him into a monster when he does not get what he wishes.

So yes, the forest was my escape. As a child I played here daily. Before it was me Rodrick and Asher, now Rodrick is too serious playing Lord and Asher prefers to hunt with friends.
I love the birds song as they floated between the trees, I even spotted a rabbit grazing on the grass. The ironwood trees were our most prized possession and secret weapon. Thousands of years old, all the ironwood trees in the forest belonged to House Forresters - that's where our name came from. The trees were strong and study, impregnated with ancient magic father told us as children's, ironwood could only be grown, harvested and crafted by Forresters. Other houses, such as the Whitehills and the Bolton's, have envied our abilities and the wealth that it brought. But there attempts to overthrow Ironwrath have only failed. There had been no such attempts since many years before my birth. But the envy and hatred is still there, especially with the Whitehills and the Bolton's.

"ISSSSOOOBELLLL" - I could here Ryon shouting for me, becoming distressed that he had not found me yet. My peace and quiet was over, back to reality.

I was always the best at hide and seek. Before he began to cry I crept out my tree when I felt a hand grab my elbow.

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