Part 11 ~ Isobel

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When I had finally been excused, I walked to the stables, no, ran! Tears were streaming down my face, as I tacked up Storm. She could sense my distress and was neighing loudly and began pulling away. I was moving so fast I wasn't even aware what I was doing. But before I knew it I was on Storm, and heading for the gate.

Why was I to marry a man who had never even spoken to me! Not to mention the well known rumours about his...preferences in the bedroom. Renly was older than I am, he was handsome but a complete stranger, I knew I didn't and couldn't love him. I was accepting marrying Robb, and felt my heart being crushed along with those plans. Feelings I didn't know I had for Robb, security and safety, all blown out like a candle in the wind.

The courtyard was still so busy with people packing and moving livestock and meats. The gates were wide open as a cart of apples was being pulled in. I kicked Storm and she jumped straight into a gallop, weaving thought the condensed crowd. And finally I was free, of the noise and the people. Back into the forrest where I felt like I belonged. Shouting behind me began to get quieter, then it was just me and Storm.

I felt so relieved to be out of Winterfell, Storm had slowed down to a walk. We had been walking for ages, I was in a daze about what my new life was going to be.

Lady Isabella Baratheon of Storms End. Renly was on the kings council, no doubt after they were wed, she would send be to Storms End to live, while he stayed in Kings Landing. I didn't know him! This was barbaric, my parent had lured me into a false sense of security, letting me believe I could marry Robb. Since when do northerners marry southerners! I would be alone, my brothers in the north with the man I loved. My sister in the Capital, attending lady to Sansa when she becomes Queen. I wouldn't even have a real husband. Alone in a foreign land. I would rather run away, maybe to Essos. Mereen, Ashai, Pentos... there were so many ideas running through my head, making me dizzy.

Storm began to pull her head collar, full of energy. This pulled me back to reality, the sky was getting darker. And I had no idea where I was. Panic began to creep in, I had thought about running away, I hadn't intended to do it right now! With nothing but the clothes on my back, not even a cloak to keep me warm. But I didn't know the way back, not as it got darker. I would have to dismount too, otherwise Storm could risk tripping in the forrest over broken logs and rabbit holes.

A branch snapped loudly behind me. I dismounted and tried to calm Storm, I wish I could have calmed myself. My heart was racing, all my emotions from the day build up and radiating thought me as just one - Fear. Red eyes were watching me. There was a low growl, as large Grey paws stalked towards me. I squeezed my eyes shut as Asher taught me when we were little and I said our words : "I am not afraid, I am a Forrester, Iron from Ice".

The beast pounced, knocking to the ground and chasing off Storm. It was breathing right on my face, it smelled like fur and meat. I was waiting for the bite, but instead it licked me.

When I finally opened my eyes and relaxed, Grey Wind was on top of me, as Robb once told me he does to him when they play. He had found me, and now he wanted his reward. I laughed with relief, and stroked his head, lying my head back on the ground as I did so. The dire wolf weighed a ton, but I felt safe with him, Grey Wind was so smart, and he trusted me as I trusted him.

When I met him, he pounced on me right away, knocking me to the ground with a crash. Robb was mortified that his beast had injured his lady, but I was giggling as the dire wolf nibbled and licked me. We had a special bond since then. Robb said that was one of the things he liked most about me.

Grey Wind reminded me so much of Robb, he was his embodiment in a wolf. I shoved him off me and raised to my feet. He was up to my waist when standing. He began to circle, I looked around for Storm, but she was long gone. So I huffed and let Grey Wind lead me, I stayed close to use his warmth, as night finally drew in. I am glad at least one of us can see in the dark.

And there are little things in this forrest as terrifying as a dire wolf.

I could hear owl's hooting and the wind blowing leaves, but most of all the wolfs heavy breathing. He began to howl, and then I saw torches coming into view, and horses neighing in fear of Grey Wind. Storm. She had been caught, I heard yelling as a dark figure dismounted and ran at me.

"Seven Hells Isabell! We have been worried sick." Jakob grabbed me into a hug, brushing my hair back and holding me tight. Too tight. I let him relax a moment but he held me close. He stopped to look down at me stroking my face. "Are you hurt? You look freezing!" He pulled off his heavy wool cloak and wrapped me up, not giving me much of a choice.

"Isabel!" I heard Robb, he had rode up to the other horses and dismounted. I was so relieved to hear his voice. He was about to embrace me in a hug, a faint smile on his face and his eyes gleaming, as if he had found treasure. But Jakob pulled me to his side almost knocking me over and put his arm infront of Robb, holding him back.

"She is fine Robb, give her some space." I tried to wriggle free as Jakob warned him off, but he yanked me right back, my back was pressed against his side as his arm was around my neck, and hanging onto his cloak firmly.

"Your hurting me" I said quietly, Jakob was obviously just concerned. I must have given everyone a scare.

Robb tried to grab me, but Jakob saw him coming and pushed him back.

"What in the gods are you doing Jakob? Have you gone mad? Your scaring her now." Robb brushed himself off and squared up to Jakob. The air was heavy with jealously and rage. "I'm only going to say this once..."

"SAY WHAT ROBB? She isn't yours anymore! I made sure of that." Jakob was grinning all pleased with himself.

Grey Wind had pounced on us from behind, and knocked us both to the ground, he then grabbed Jakob by the arm and bit him hard, until he submitted. Robb caught me falling before I hit my head, I was angry, upset, injured, cold and scared. Robb embraced me in a strong hug, I welcomed him. He helped me onto his horse and rode on behind me. He thought I would be too weak to ride, but to be honest I just welcomed having him close to me. I rested my head back on his chest as he wrapped his cloak over us both. I could hear his heart beating so fast and so powerful.

Jakob was clutching his arm in pain, grunting and foaming with anger. He followed behind the squad of guardsmen than had followed Robb, being guarded himself now.

Who knew what awaited us next in Winterfell.

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