Part 7 ~ Rodrick

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My head was thumping like a hammer on an anvil, my mouth as dry as Dorne and the thought of food turned my stomach. It had been a while since I had experienced a hangover so bad, I grinned, because I had missed this. Maybe not the illness, but the fun I had last night. Asher was hanging off the bed next to me, still hadn't woken. He was dripping in sweat, his breathing laboured. I found him passed out in the courtyard last night, Robb had helped me haul him to his chambers but I then couldn't find my way to mines. Robb stayed a while and we shared memories of playing together, hunting together, even fighting together as children.  Robb was strong, yet gentle. He was strong willed yet listened to others. I felt close to him as we shared the same responsibility's and burdens while our siblings enjoyed themselves day in and day out. And I knew he was in love with my sister.

I kicked Asher awake and he rolled right off the bed. "SEVEN HELLS ROD!" he yelled as her blinked his eyes open and rubbed his head. "What happened last night? You look almost as bad as I feel brother!" Asher grinned. Just then there was a knock on the door and Jacob let himself in.

"Afternoon lads, you slept thought break fast. Your father sent me to find the pair of you. C'mon, the king arrives today." And with that he helped Asher to his feet. Asher pushed him off. "Whats the matter with you?" Jacob joked, "Feeling a little sensitive? Do you wish to join the ladies sewing today? Rather than the men?" Jacob continued laughing. Asher grunted at him clearly annoyed. "I had nightmares last night, like when I was a child" Asher told him as he leaned against the table for support, looking as if he could kneel over at any movement. I was enjoying watching Asher suffer a little, although I might be joining him soon. "Thats all they were little brother, nightmares." I said as I patted him gently on the shoulder. Asher looked up at me confused, the same as he did when he was a boy.

We shared a room up until we were ten and three, Asher would wake up some nights screaming, imagining all kind of horrors. He would be drenched in sweat and shaking like a tree in the middle of a storm. He told me he had dreamed of dragons, white walkers, monsters that snatched children, beasts in the Ironwood, ghosts in the castle. I would comfort him and hold him, helping him back to sleep. He used to say I was the knight that guarded his dreams. When of age Asher drank almost every night, when our parents discovered this he told them it was the only way he could sleep peacefully.

Jacob had left so me and Asher could get dressed, I wanted to ask him where he was last night. One moment he was there then he had followed Asher outside, but Ash was found passed out on the ground. He was gone before I got the chance.

"Ready to meet the king brother?"

"More ready to vomit in the great hall Rod" he smirked as he did the final knot on the doublet, "It was good to have fun Rodrick out last night, I hope to see more of him"

"Asher... I'll be going back to Ironwrath with father and mother..."

Asher stared at me more confused than ever, he smirked again thinking I was joking - "Aye, so will I... Will I not?"

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