Chapter One

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Lily's P.O.V

It was September 1st, the start of a new year at Hogwarts. I wandered around the Hogwarts Express looking for my ex best friend Severus. I couldn't find him so I settled in a compartment with the next best people, my close friends Marlene and Alice.

"Hey girls! I've missed you so much this summer" I said happily.

"We've missed you too Lils! Come sit" Marlene made space for me next to her.

"So what have you all been up to this summer?" asked Alice who was clearly eager to share what she had done.

But before anyone could answer James Potter and his three friends Sirius, Remus, and Peter bursted into our compartment.

James greeted Marlene with a hug. They were good friends. Remus said Hello to me. He might be the only one of Potter's friends that I actually like. Sirius greeted Alice. And Peter just stood behind the three, not saying anything to anyone.

James turned to me and said "Evans" with a slight nod. God I hated that boy. I said nothing back to him.

Marlene turned to James and said "Congratulations on being head boy!"

"Thank you Mar. Means a lot." replied James

"Wait what?!" I said confused. "Potter's head boy?!"

"Yes. Why do you sound so surprised Lily Pad?" James said.

I was hoping Remus would be head boy. I didn't like him like that, but he was nice and extremely smart, so I thought it wouldn't be bad if he was.

"Don't call me that Potter! And I'm head girl" I replied.

"Great!" said James "Some alone time if you know what I mean"

I slapped him upside the head with a book that I had been reading. "Get out you disgusting toe-rag!" I said loudly.

"If you say so" he said smiling. His friends followed him into the hall.

"Why are you so mean Lily? He really likes you you know" said Alice

"Just like he really likes every other girl in the school. Right?" I said annoyed

"No. It's not like that" Alice said quietly

Alice and Marlene both agreed. They thought I should give James a chance. Ha! Not as long as I live. I wouldn't talk to them for the rest of the train ride.

The Hogwarts express came to stop finally. I was the first one out of the compartment. I couldn't wait to get away from them. I decided to walk to the school instead of taking the carriage with the girls. I needed to find Severus anyway, even though I hadn't spoken to him since fifth year when he called me a mudblood. I still wanted to be his friend. He was always there for me when no one else was and I owed him for that.


Greetings Jily lovers!

Sorry the chapter was short I wanted to see how you guys liked it first!

Comment what you thought and feel free to tell me if I made any typos!

P.S everything you see in this chapter belongs to the amazing JKR

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