He Knows Something

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Almost everyone knew about our engagement. No one except for Bastille knew about me being pregnant. When Kyle proposed, I posted a picture of the ring on my Instagram, but I set it up to where certain people wouldn't see it. Mum. Elliott and Adeline. Leah and Garrett. Even my 10 year-old nephew Alec.

It was time to tell them all. I was scared, but it wasn't because I was ashamed of who it was. I loved Kyle. It was just that Mum had only met Kyle a few times, and my siblings thought it was best I didn't marry until I was at least 30. I dreaded all the pushy and negative remarks. Not only that, but I had barely spoken to my mum after Kyle's had told me hidden truths about my parents...

We had arranged that on the coming Monday night, Kyle and I would meet Susan for dinner, not at Queen's, to talk. We planned to tell her about the engagement after she got comfortable with a glass of wine. Neither of us had any idea on how we'd bring in talk about the baby. It would either go really smoothly or really awkward.

Finally 3:00, and I was finally able to leave the pharmacy and head home. I jumped into my yellow KIA and headed up to London. It was always a 30 minute drive between home and work twice a day, but I wouldn't have to worry about it when I got a better job. I was already looking into careers at museums and other places along those lines. When I crossed into the city line, I passed Dan, who seemed to be in the opposite direction. At the time, him and his wife were expecting their second baby. I was happy for them.

I finally pulled into the driveway at our house. Kyle wasn't there yet, obviously. I quickly unlocked the front door and started changing clothes.

I pulled off my top, and that was the moment I noticed to first change. A small bump had already formed about two or three inches. I smiled, my heart melting. I was carrying mine and Kyle's child for nearly five weeks, but it was that moment where it all felt real. I pictured a small version of him, boy or girl, with his exact face and no trace of mine.


Kyle drove North in his car, and I quietly rode in the passenger seat. I could tell he was just as nervous as I was. Neither of us made a noise, which different from our usual.

"Any ideas on telling her we're expecting?" I finally spoke up.

"Not really," he said. "Do you think she'll freak out because we're not married yet?"

"She might, but it's really none of her business if it's that way. She highly approves of you, remember? Hopefully it won't be too bad."

"You're really back and forth on your relationship with your own mum. I'm confused most of the time."

I hesitated. "It's complicated, Kyle. Really. Yes, she's a bit strict and sheltering and crazy, and yes, she lied to me all of my life on more than a few things. I could go on and on about the faults."


"But at the same time, she's the only parent I've ever had. She's protected me when no one else did. She always fed me well and never abused or neglected me, that's the good thing."

"Right. Are you ever going to confront her about your dad though?"

"I really want to, but at the right time, right place. And I don't want her to know that it was your mum that told me the truth, because I don't want to start any tension. Especially now that we're getting married."

"I understand, Mandie. Have you found the man yet?"

"I know he is called Stephen Tyree, and he lives in Paris. He has a very low profile, however your mother told me he's the leader of some motorcycle gang, which are called Tyree Wolves."

Kyle flinched, almost crashing the car into a sign. There was a look in his eyes that indicated fear and shock. He quickly shivered, and then went back to normal.

"Ky?" I asked. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, baby. I'm fine. Don't worry."

"Do you know something about them?"

"No, not really, no." he stuttered.

I knew he was lying to me. What did he know about this gang? With that, I knew he wasn't going to tell me. The petrified look he had a moment before was enough evidence.

When we arrived at the bar, Kyle helped me out of the car. We were soon joined by my mother, who looked the same as usual. An older version of me, as everyone said.

"Ms Queen, how good it is to see you again." Kyle was such a chameleon. He was always a certain way with me, with his friends, family, strangers, and my mother. "Lemme get your coat."

"Thank you, dear Kyle. It's great to see you too!" she smiled, the same way I did. Perhaps it was my fate to look like that when I was in my early 60s.

We were shortly sitting down in a booth. The place was crowded with extended families and people who wanted to get drunk. I began to regret telling my mum it had to be anywhere but Queen's. Luckily, she immediately ordered wine, and the conversations leading up to the intended one were all good.

"Mum, there's um, something we'd like to tell you." I finally said. Kyle and I looked at each other, as if we could read each other's minds.

Now? I thought.

Now. I imagined him thinking.

I carefully held out my left hand towards her. She stared in awe of the gorgeous, large topaz oval among the copper band.

I could tell she was shocked

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I could tell she was shocked. "Oh Mandala! Congratulations, both of you!"

She jumped up and immediately hugged me tight, and then hugged Kyle even tighter. "I knew you were the one! I just knew it!"

Kyle gave me a look and then nodded, slightly smiling. Seeing? Everything's alright!

I smiled, giving him a returning look. You're always right Kyle, give me a break.

We ended up keeping the baby thing to ourselves for the moment. Things went better than expected about getting married, and after we departed, I was just ready to go home.

Kyle pulled in and stopped the car. "Are you glad we got that part over with?"

"I am." I said. "She took it well. She seemed proud even."

He laughed slightly. "Let's go in, there's something I want to do."

I shrugged, and then followed him into the house, and up the stairs. He carefully picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. Gently placing me on the bed, he went down with me. Finally I was leaned back against the frame, and he hovered.

Kyle kissed me slightly and then started lifting my T-shirt. He rubbed his hand protectively on my growing stomach. "Hi, baby. This is Daddy. I want you to know that I love you so much, and so does your mum."

I ran my fingers in his hair, kissing the top of his head. "You're already so good at this Kyle. I love you."

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