Bad Liar

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'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow,
your heart is all I own
And in your eyes you're holding mine
-Ed Sheeran

When Kyle kissed his daughter on her little forehead, I was ready to cry. Mailey would miss and need him. I would need him. It had been months since Kyle left for touring like this, and that was before our child came out.

"Take care of the house, Mans. But take care of yourself more." he said, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Of course, Kyle."

"I'm begging you. You've already gotten a lot thinner since Mailey was born. Please don't ever starve yourself again."

"I won't, Kyle. I won't."

He pressed his warm lips against my forehead. His mustache tickled my skin. I was quick to wrap my arms around his shoulders, pulling his face down to mine. We kissed slowly, but it felt amazing.

Then he pulled back. "I promise, Mandie, I will call you twice a day, and we'll Skype. It hurts enough knowing that Mailey is going to change so much while I'm away."

"She'll miss you a lot. But when you video call, she'll be happy to see your face. It'll be fine."

He kissed me one last time. "Bye Mandala. I love you."

"I love you more."

And just like that, my husband got out of my car and headed over to join Dan, Woody, and Will. Will waved at me, and then at his goddaughter. I started to drive away...

I didn't want to go home. I didn't want to go there without Kyle sitting on the couch with Mailey and I. Instead, I took the baby to Mum's house.

"Oh Mandala! What a surprise! It's a good thing I didn't opened the bar!"

"Yeah, I just thought I'd bring Mailey to see you. The two of you have only met one time."

She bent down and pulled the baby out of her carrier. "Hello Mailey, Grandma's missed you!"

"Have you heard anything new about Elliott?"

"No," she sighed. "I tried to contact your father, but it's obvious that he doesn't want to talk to me, and I don't blame him."

I sat down on the couch. "If you don't mind my asking, what happened between you and him?"

She hesitated. "I wanted out of the gang life, and he didn't. Imagine being married, and have kids, with someone who is tied down with a life they chose. One they chose before you."

I looked down. "Actually, I know exactly how that feels, Mum. I do."

"Oh," she said. "I'm...sorry, Mandala. I didn't mean-"

"No it's fine." I said. "It's just, I understand. Completely. Kyle's obligated to his job, while Mailey and I, and other women have to stay home and grieve."


"Yes. It's not just Kyle. The singer, Dan, and the drummer, Chris, both have wives, and kids. And Will, who plays guitar, he is engaged. It's a struggle for everyone."

"That is very unfortunate." She said. "Do you ever see the other women?"

"Oh yes, definitely. They're all great."

Mailey started crying. I quickly grabbed her from Mum's arms. "Shhh. It's okay, beautiful. It's okay. Shhhh."

I knew she was hungry. I didn't want to feed her in front of my mother, but I had no other option. I quickly undid the first three buttons from my top and latched her onto my chest. "There you go, there you go."

"I must say, Mandala, I'm impressed. You're a natural at motherhood. Even I was never as soft or comforting as you are."

" I love her with everything I have. It comes natural to soothe her. "

"You know, seeing the way you love this child as much as you do, I am grateful that you never had a child with Morgan."

"Me too." I said. "I never wanted to carry children for him. I hated him too much."

"And I can tell how much better your life is with Kyle."

"More than you know," I said. " and I've never told anyone, but he left someone for me. "


"He had a girlfriend, before we saw each other at that funeral. He told me that he couldn't help himself, and that he knew we were meant to be together. That's just one of the many reasons why I love him."

Mum smiled. "I wish I could say the same...about someone, I mean."

"Did you love Stephen?" I asked as Mailey finished eating.

"I did," she whispered. "but that was a very long time ago. People change."

"I'm sorry." I said.

December 2004
It was a snowy day. School immediately let out earlier. Leah was sick and my brother was at UNI. It was obvious who I rode home with...

"It's a good thing I got my driver's license when I did." said Kyle. "Otherwise, I'd have to get a ride from one of my parents."

"Well thank you for letting me ride with you." I replied.

"You're my friend, Mandie, and you also live across the street from me. I'd be stupid not to give you a ride."

God, you're gorgeous, I thought to myself.

"Do you have any plans when you go home?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Not really. Just watching TV."

"Why don't you do that at my place?" he asked.

"You're kidding, right? Will your parents care?"

"Of course not! You're literally one of my only friends they both actually approve of."

I shook my head. Even back then, Kyle was always the bad boy. There was no other way of putting it. Sure, he wasn't a bully, but he was a troublemaker. And it was so weird, because I was the complete opposite; reserved, hardworking, completely selfless. I was passive, and cared more for others than I did myself. It was weird because the bad boy was only good to me, with no strings attached.

"Mandie? Why are you staring out the window?"

"Because I love the snow."

"Right. So are you up for coming over?"

"Sure." I said. "If it keeps me out of my house longer, if course."

"Is everything okay?"


Kyle (still part of the flashback)

I was tough as nails, always. But around Manda, I was like clay. I couldn't explain it, she was so adorable. Flowy, caramelly hair; a smile to die for; soft olive skin, eyes like an endless forest. I had been with pretty girls, and they were easy and all over me; but Manda was always so hard for me to chase. She was delicate like a flower, and bright as the sun. I, on the other hand, was a jerk, and I didn't deserve her.

"So the lion fell inlove with the lamb."
That's what people said sometimes.

But for me, the snake fell in love with the badger. It made no sense.
(A/N: because he's a Slytherin and she's a Hufflepuff)

Present Day

I always had the biggest urge to kiss her. The desire to taste the sweetness of her lips. When I lost her, I tried my best to bury all those feelings. I never thought I would see her again.

When I found her, after nearly ten years, I knew that it was for a reason. I wanted her, and I was determined to do anything to have her. At 27 years old, I finally got to kiss her. It was well worth the wait...

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